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Hello! Thank you for everyone who has continued to read this far. Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been dealing with a sickness and I've been very mentally and physically drained. I am working on a new Scomiche fanfic titled "Chosen" and I would appreciate your support on that story as well! I'm sure it will turn out a lot better than this story is currently.

Thank you!


I had been hiding in this broom closet for what seemed like eternity, though time just didn't matter to me anymore. It seemed that Mitch would never wake up and we'd both die in this hospital together. I've already had four doctors ask me if I wanted to take him off life support, but I declined rather violently and had either gotten thrown out or threatened to be. I haven't checked either of our phones in days and I bravely decide to step out of this closet and try to behave like a man for the day. Some part of me has just disappeared into thin air and I can't get it back. I am stumbling about on this floor, and reach a guide of the hospital to see where I am but my thoughts are interrupted by a voice on the intercom. 

Staff to room 107, staff to room 107, emergency. All available doctors to room 107 immediately.

Immediately I found this room to be on the same level as Mitch and where he was, so I rush to the stairs, knowing the elevator would be too slow for me. I run down them as fast as I can, turning and holding the bars on the side for leverage as use them to skip steps. 

Right now, time does matter.

I continue to run as fast as I can until I feel a snap in my foot, a hard one. Pain and adrenaline move through my body and I let out a small gasp at the sight of my foot. I continue to hop down the stairs despite my flopping foot because I'm not the one in danger of dying.

You're so fucking selfish. Stop caring about yourself.

I continue to hop down the stairs on one foot, swinging my arms for leverage and momentum and I finally reach the floor Mitch is on. I continue to hop and a nurse tries to stop me as she notices my flopping foot and broken ankle. 

"Sir, sir, please stop moving, your ankle is broken. Sir, allow me to lay you down, we can get a doctor in as soon as possible. Sir-" The nurse continues to speak but I stop listening. I move past her until I see the room 107.

Mitch's room is 107.

I hurriedly hop even faster and push doctors and people out of the way to see what's happening and I am surprised to see what is happening. Mitch is up and walking around the room, something he has never done before, not since the day of the accident. The doctor is checking his vitals with a flashlight and I hop faster over to Mitch, nudging the doctor out of the way.

"Scott? Are you ok-"

"MITCH" I hoarsely shout as fiercely as I can. It's been awhile since I've spoken and I pull Mitch into my arms. I feel his small body in my arms and hug this man to death, trying not to break him in half.

"S-scott. Scott. Please. Hurting-" I instantly release Mitch as he says this, realizing my strength. I look apologetically into his deep brown eyes that are once again full of life, gleaming. Doctors rush around me and I can feel them examining my foot.

"What happened?"The doctor that was examining Mitch before asks me.

"I was running down the stairs because I heard 107 over the intercom. What happened to you?" I say, my last sentence directed to Mitch.

"I just woke up. No one was in my room and I saw a notebook on the floor, so I went to pick it up. I took all of the things out of my arms and off my chest and things went blurry for a second. Then I stood up and walked over. There was loud beeping noises emitting from everywhere so I covered my ears and bent down to  pick up the notebook. That's when all the doctors arrived. They insisted that I lay back down but I wanted to go home. Because we're here for Christmas and I didn't want to miss it, you know. Is everyone okay? How's the family? Why am I here? Where's Landon?" My eyes simply can't hold back the tears any longer as I realize what's happening to Mitch.

He has lost his memory.

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