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Sorry this is such a terrible chapter...I haven't exactly been feeling well and this story seems to be just going downhill. I might even delete some chapters I absolutely hate and rework them...I don't even know anymore. Thanks for sticking with this story if you've still been reading, it really means a lot.

I continued my research about the man in my notebook who so relentlessly spoke clearly through my mind and infested my thoughts. I thought that I might go mad with curiosity if I didn't figure out the mystery of his family and the horrors that supposedly occurred during his lifetime. I had checked out the public library to see what I could find about him but with no luck, I quickly returned to Mitch's side. I hadn't turned on my phone and neither had Mitch for this entire vacation but I decided to turn mine on finally. I had millions of notifications on Twitter and Instagram about Mitch and I and I quickly deleted those so I could focus on my messages. Most were from my family and my parents, asking when they could see Mitch and I dating from last week and some recent ones, but none from my sister, Landon's mother. My mom had said that I was invited to Landon's funeral and that it would be in two weeks. I made a mental note of that and hoped that Mitch would be well enough to attend as well, but of course, he didn't have to. I didn't want to leave Mitch very often because of the Steven thing, so I had been living here as long as he has been admitted to the hospital. They even allow me to take showers here because one nurse commented that I 'desperately needed one', then handed me the key a few days after the accident when I was glued to Mitch's side.

I had other messages from Tyler and Alex, asking if we were okay and that they had to head back home to L.A. and also messages from Mitch's parents about how he was doing. I quickly responded to all of them and came across everything Kirstie sent me. Which was a LOT.

Kit Kat: Darling? Please please pleaseeee respond

Kit Kat: I'm with my parents and the storm is TERRIBLE a tree fell down next door!

Kit Kat: Scooter

Kit Kat: Scottttttttt!


These were only a few of the messages she sent and there were several voicemails she left me. I responded to her and she responded back quickly. Very quickly.

Scooter: Sorry, had my phone off for the trip. Mitch and I wanted to, you know, the whole video and everything. I just checked my phone. In the hospital with Mitch, he still hasn't come to since last week

Kit Kat: OMG WHAT HAPPENED? Your parents told me bits and pieces but they don't even know. Where are you?

Scooter: A nearby hospital, the one by my grandma's


Scooter: K, love you

Kit Kat: Love you too <3

I sighed and set my phone on the ground. I dug around in my jacket pocket to find Mitch's phone and decided to turn it on. Once I did, he had about the same amount of notifications on his phone about our relationship but then he had more messages, one being from Shawn asking how he was. What a jerk. All that I remember from their relationship was a lot of fighting and heartbreak. He broke Mitch, told him he wasn't worth being born. I remember holding him in my arms and comforting him as much as I could possible, rubbing his back and occasionally wiping tears from his eyes with my thumb.

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