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This chapter is real cute, lots of big scomiche moments in this part! Hope you enjoy!


Mitch POV

The plane ride home seemed to take forever but we finally made it back home. Tonight, we have a concert in front of all our friends and family, teachers and fans and I'm hoping Scott feels well enough to do this. I've been really nervous about his health, he scared me a LOT this morning with the whole "nightmare" thing and how he didn't even remember being sick. He's been feeling a little better since we got off the plane, but we've decided to take him to a doctor to see if it's anything serious before tonight.

Scott POV

The doctor said that I just had a case of a mild stomach flu and that with some antibiotics, I would be feeling much better and cured in no time. I really want to surprise Mitch tonight, and I want it to happen at the concert, during the show. I'm going to talk to the rest of the band and come up with something special for him. I hope he doesn't kill me.

Mitch POV

"Hurry up!" Scott yells at me. "You're taking forever. How are we ever going to get the show started? Come ON!" I have never been so hurried and annoyed by Scott, but I have to admit, it's kinda cute.

"o-KAY, Sarah!" I yell, raising my voice.
I hurriedly fix my hair in the mirror and Scott pulls me away.

"Come on, Melissa, you look beautiful!"
He pulls me by my arm and starts half running to the stage.

"Stephan-IE! Stop it! I'm not about to run anytime soon! This is NOT in my contract! Catherine!" I yell as I run behind Scott. He drags me up on stage and we begin singing our set.

This is incredibly weird.

The crowd cheers and we continue singing.


The concert was great, and I'm starting to walk off stage when Avi pulls me back by my arm.

"Nope, you're not going anywhere," he says into the microphone and the crowd screams.

What the hell is happening?

I look around stage and smile, but shoot Scott a confused glance, but his face is plastered with a huge grin. Well, come to think of it, everyone is smiling. I look around, still confused, and Scott begins to speak.

"Before we begin, I just wanted to thank all of you for coming down here tonight, whether it be fans, friends, family, or even past teachers of ours, I can't begin to thank you." Scott waits as the crowd cheers and then he continues.

"Hey mom, dad, everyone! Hey Mike and Nel! Thanks for coming tonight." I smile, but I am throughly confused.

"I'm really glad you're all here, and this is going to be kind of...well, a big surprise and maybe even a shock. You see, through all these years, this man has been here for me. He has supported me through all my decisions, told me off when I was wrong, helped me over breakups and been there for me when I needed him the most. He has devoted his time to me, been sweet to me, he has gotten me gifts that I don't deserve, and been the best friend that I've ever had. We've seldom fought, well, only on deciding which restaurant to go to." The crowd laughs quietly.

"The point is, that I love this man. With all of my heart. He's been my other half, the harmony to my music, the reason that I can get up in the morning. He's been with me for my whole life, and I wouldn't be the man I am without him, let alone even be on this stage." Scott walks over to me, and takes my hands in his. I am throughly shocked, and my mouth is slightly open.

"Mitch, I love you. I've loved you since the first time I saw you, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I knew that I was going to be best friends with you, and that we were going to make history together, and well, here we are, on stage with our best friends, performing. I couldn't have a better life. I don't need anything, but you, Mitch. I love the way you talk, dance on stage, the way you sing so beautifully, the way you yell at me when I'm making a fool out of myself, the way you look at me with those chocolate brown eyes of yours that remind me of all those times we've spent together. I love the way you think about me, when you give me such nice gifts that I adore, when you listen to all of my problems, when you hug me and tell me that everything's going to be okay. When you laugh at my stupid jokes, when you laugh so much that you start crying." Scott stops to wipe away a stray tear from his eye and I laugh a little.

"Mitch Grassi, I don't know where I'd be without you, but I want to make sure that I'll be with you for the rest of my life." He kneels at my feet, one knee bent. I feel the tears finally streaming down my face and quickly rolling off my cheeks. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box.

"Now, I know this isn't much, it's just a promise ring, one for you and one for me. We're still so young, and I-I just...wanted to ask you something." He opens the box and returns my glance once more. We smile at each other and I place my hands nervously over my mouth.

"When we're older...will you...still be here?" Scott looks so nervous and I laugh a little with the crowd.

"Y-yes, Scott. Yes," I say, and he stands up to hug me, receiving a huge 'awwwh' from the crowd. He's holding me in a tight embrace, and we lean back. I look at this gorgeous man, watching the ocean in his eyes rise and fall. I lean in slowly, and take him into a deep kiss. The crowd cheers and claps for us, and he lifts me off of my feet, spinning me around. After a minute or so of kissing, he holds me in the embrace and gently I feel my feet touch the ground again. The crowd starts chanting something softly and I strain a bit to hear. When the sound finally reaches my ears, I smile.

They were chanting "Scömìche".

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