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Did I surprise you? *insert devil emoji* This chapter is a tad smutty, but only a paragraph or so.


Scott POV

"NO!! No no no no!" I scream. I take a deep breath in and raise up out of bed.

What is going on?

"Scott? Are you okay honey?"

"MITCH!! YOU'RE ALIVE! OH THANK GOD! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH," I shout, engulfing the love of my life into my arms.

Did I just dream that whole thing?

I embrace him, and begin kissing his gorgeous face in every place that I can reach. I trail kisses down his chest and up his bare arms, then even his eyes.

"Scott! Scott! Aaaah stop! Mmm," Mitch starts saying, then gives in. I push him over, hovering over him. I kiss his neck, sucking on it to give him a hickey. I then wander back to his mouth, and I run my tongue along his bottom lip, asking for entrance, which he allows. I kiss him harder and harder, and rock against him. He moans as I leave his lips, trailing kisses down his stomach and to his underwear. I look up at him, unsure if he's okay with it. He stops me.

"Hold on, darling. Whoa. Please, tell me. Did you have a nightmare? Are you feeling better?" He says. I crawl off him and sit back up next to him, my head against the wall.

"What do you mean am I feeling better? I'm perfectly fine! I guess I had a nightmare...oh God you wouldn't believe it. Everything seemed so real."

"Real? What do you mean? What happened? Tell me everything!"

I tell Mitch all the details of François and the restaurant and him cheating on me and then committing suicide. After I am finished, Mitch looks at me, puzzled.


"It's nothing. Well...actually yeah, it is. Scott, do you remember what happened after we left the restaurant?"

"Well, not exactly. I mean, we went back to the hotel and then, went to bed. Why?"

"Scott, you were really sick last night. We invited François to the concert which was tonight, but we canceled at last minute because you were throwing up. You were so so sick. You don't remember at all?"

"No. So, François really happened, everything that night, except the concert?"

"Except the concert. We're going home today. Esther thought it would be best to cancel the remaining tour and just go home early. After all, Christmas is right around the corner," Mitch says.

"Right. You know something?"


"I really love you." I say, then kiss him lightly. "And I really am sick." And with that, I run off to the bathroom.

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