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They've found me. They placed me in some sort of contraption but I have my notebook. I am lucky it is compact enough to fit in my jacket pocket. I forever curse them, I hate them. That family has caused me nothing but pain. We are lucky we have human shields but mine is dead. I knew this day would come and my fate would finally find me.

Death is at my door.

I continued reading the small tattered notebook full of the story of Harry Steinway and wondered about what really happened to him and who his attackers were. The story just kept getting weirder and weirder.


I have escaped. I am badly cut up and bruised from the torturing they did on me. Somehow I have slipped out of Death's fingers. I know he will be back for me one day, but for now I will lay low. I am currently in a forest, coming to you. I have one last friend that could get this back to you at the hospital. Hope you are feeling well.

I love you. See you soon.

So Mary was at a hospital...this hospital? So he and Mary had a relationship, and he was trying to get this back to her...were they married? Or lovers? I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and read on, seated on the floor next to Mitch, as usual.


He has died, my last friend. I found him lying on the ground, dead and bleeding from open, gushing wounds. I couldn't inhabit the place as his dead carcass attracted many insects and an atrocious smell. I grabbed food that seemed not rotten, fresh water and I am headed on my way to you. I know it is dangerous, going back from once I came, but it is the only way and hopefully, it is the least expected outcome of my latest ventures away from home.

All my love,

I look up from my reading as I hear footsteps scuffing by the door and I look up slowly, knowing immediately who it was.

"Hello, Scott." Steven smiles at me shyly and vacantly, an expression of sadness on his face and this emotion, melancholiness, fluid in his eyes.

"Hi," I say remotely, and our eyes are locked together.

"So, how's Mitch?"

"Well," I say, sighing rather loudly before I continue. "He hasn't woken up since the last time where he ate that healthy meal, so another week? Eight days?"

"I'm surprised Scott. You can't even remember? How much do you truly love this man?" I look at Steven, my expression growing darker and meaner.

"Don't you dare."

"Why? Feeling down in the dumps lately?" He walks over to Mitch, snickering to himself. "He deserves someone way better than you. After all, you killed your nephew and did this to the poor man," he says, stroking Mitch's arm. I get up on my feet and walk over to Mitch's other side.

"Don't touch him."

"Why? You gonna do something about it, tough guy?"

"Look, I don't know why you're trying to get a rise out of me, or why you're acting like this but please. Give me a break. You think I don't agree with you? I know I'm a monster. I can't live with myself. Just...please leave me be," I say, fighting back tears. I could not cry in front of this man. He sighs and removes his hand from Mitch's arm.

"I'm sorry. I just got a bit upset. Something similar happened to me, you see. I lost the love of my life. His name was Jace. God, I loved him to death. He...He was with a friend of mine. They drank a bit too much and-" Steven stops and turns away from me for a moment and when his glance returns to mine, his eyes are red and shimmering.

"Never mind." Steven says and turns sharply, rushing out into the hallway.

I decide to follow him once more, but at a safe distance from him. He goes in an elevator so I take the stairs. I remember where his office is and follow behind him slowly as he heads in there. I watch him as he sits at his desk, looks at a picture frame and he picks it up and cradles it in his arms. His face is coated with tears, he notices me and I rush away. He calls after me but I don't stop swiftly walking away. I clamor down the stairs and he is following after me. He stops me when we have reached almost the bottom of the stairs, his sad eyes reach my own and at that moment, I am immersed in his emotions and feelings of sorrow wash over me. He stares at me for a while and then reluctantly I pull him in for a hug. He cries very softly on my shoulder, and I rub the synthetic material of his coat in small circles on his back, which emits a soft whooshing sound. His crying finally stops, and he releases me very slowly. His face is right in front of mine, and his eyes glimmer with sorrow once more, and something else. I recognize the loneliness in his eyes as a reflection of what I see every morning when I wake up in this hospital and look in the bathroom mirror. His cheeks have a trace of a pale pink that emits off the surface of his skin which entices me. He leans in closer and closer until he claims my lips with his own. He moves against them slowly and at first, I understand and empathize with his emotions and kiss him harder, sensing his loneliness. But then I think of Mitch and the promise I made him. I pull away quickly, which startles Steven and I look at him in awe, my chest heaving in frustration. I panic and run away down the rest of the stairs, out the door and back down the hallway to Mitch's room, scared out of my mind. There is only one thing that I can think of, one word dancing and screaming about my head.


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