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Scott POV

I feel the figure grab me by my shirt and hit me in the face, knocking me over. I stagger a bit before throwing a fist back at the figure, straight in the jaw. The figure whines a bit, then hits me again with something hard over my head. All I saw after that point was black.


Mitch POV

It's been over 10 minutes now since Scott and Landon ran up the stairs and I'm a bit worried now. I heard a huge thud only moments ago and I'm determined to see what that was all about. I head up the stairs softly and soundlessly. I gracefully reach the top of the stairs and look around. I head into the door nearest me and squint to see. I step on something fleshy and look down to see Scott. I kneel down quickly to see bruises on his cheek and the top of his head. He is holding his side and I kiss his forehead, then rise to see what I was up against. I look in the bathroom and grab the detachable shower curtain and leave it on the floor, the steel rod in my hands. I hold it like a baseball bat and take my shoes off before walking softly into the next room. I look around in drawers, seeing that some things are missing and ripped apart. I then walk into the next room and then again, nothing. In the next room, there were pillows on the floor. I notice that the window is slightly open, and I look out but everything is white. I leave the room and go into the next, where I see a tall, dark figure standing over Scott's aunt's dresser. He is rummaging through it, throwing unwanted things on the floor. I walk cautiously up to him, then prepare to hit him in the head. I raise the rod-



The figure turns around quickly and I hit him in the head. He moans and holds his head and I run away, grabbing Landon and scrambling down the stairs.

"Dad? Dad! There's a burglar upstairs, he knocked out Scott and is stealing jewelry! I think he got in somehow through the window!" I say softly, not wanting the criminal to get away. My dad and Scott's dad ran up the stairs and I sat back down on the couch, filling in my mom about what happened.

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