The End~Part 1

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Grabbing your hand Belle slammed you against a rock, it crumbled behind you as dust engulfed your frame. Light flashed from within the dust, rushing out blue sparks fell from your eyes as you punched Belle with force. More of the blue sparks fluttered out of your fist and eyes. Snarling Belle let out of gust of fire you dodged. Stepping forward your eyes narrowed, staring back at the enemy.

"Your the one who should be dead!" You clenched your fist as you trotted into a full out sprint towards her. Swinging your fist she grabbed your arm and started to twist it, pulling a few muscles you pulled away. Your arm searing with pain.

"But that won't happen!" Flying upwards she took off into the clouds, you following. It was the first time you flapped your wings but it felt so easy. Kicking Belle in the stomach she screamed, lashing out with her tail what has scraped against your leg what was now bleeding heavily. Regaining balance she did a long flip and threw her wings forward. A gust of red magic had hit you and you were slowly falling.

No! I'm not giving up!
This is exactly how Bill died!
I'm going down with a REAL fight!

Spinning around your wings opened, saving yourself from the fall, you drifted close to the water. Skimming the surface of the water. Belle swooshed down, attacking you with her teeth and tail. Fighting, both angry and agony screams came from both of you. Fighting in midair was a challenge as well... Belle flew upwards, confused you kept flying low until you hit a rock. Taking advantage Belle grabbed your neck and snapped at it angrily. Growling back you threw her off into the current... Erupting from the water she had landed in, she opened her mouth as flames whooshed out, the air smelt burnt and the sky was now turning a white colour. The dark red clouds were being herded out of the area.

"Stay away from Bill you brat!" Your eyes flung open as white lightning hit the water, a medium sized tidal wave rising up from the shockwave. Growling, Belle was hovering in midair, her red hair flowing beside her as Belle's leather coat hung on her shoulders. White light surrounded you and you breathed heavily, you had now a long tailcoat and a black shirt with a snowflake on it.

"No! This can't be happening!" Belle hissed under her breath, her words were like acid.

"It's too late Belle! You've already shown off, and I've just begun!" You shoved her into a wall, the falls roaring next to both of you. Pure shock filled her eyes as both of yours finally stared into her's with absolutely no fear. Suddenly her eyes turned back to small pupils and kicked you off. Beating her wings she blew you away with some of the extra wind she had created. Flying around you she cut open your stomach a bit. Screaming your breath shone as the temperature started to drop quickly. Hissing you bit Belle's arm as she attempted to attack you. She yelled in pain as it was frozen.

"God dammit... Polar ice caps..." She said the last part with hatred as she swung herself towards you. A blinding ray of light appeared, but instead it was Belle's powers. A long sword had appeared in her hand, she clung to it. Long ancient words and patterns lined the edges of the sharp blade. A sword had also appeared in your hand. It looked jagged and it had bits and pieces of frost on the tip and along the sword.

"The last round..." Belle growled, her mouth shifting into a devilish smile. Beating her wings she screamed a ancient battle cry and attacked you head on. Stunned by the force you raised your sword and swung at her, the clanging of the metal hitting together with so much force. Your eyes were focused onto her face, eyes slanted angrily. Staring back you started to grow more powerful, a few flakes of snow fell from the sky as Belle hissed in frustration. Frost flew off your sword as both of the swords kept meeting each other in long metallic sounds. Earning the courage you swung the sword out of her hands, her face turning pale as you erupted into light. Punching her to the ground she landed close to Bill. Her voice cold and scared for her life as she backed up into the cold rock.

"P-Please spare me!" Belle yelled, pain erupted through her legs as you kicked them. Snow fell from the sky heavily and you approached her with no mercy.

"Why should we spare your life?After all those countless days I've done my role... Now it's time to finish yours..." Raising your sword, ancient symbols flashed on the sword.

"We?! Who's we?!" She shrieked, her hands out in a defensive matter, her horns were still covered with Bill's blood. Her body was torn up, scraped and worn out.

"My subjects!"


Stabbing the sword in her heart she screamed, her face lit up with pain. Blood poured out of her wound as you pushed down deeper. Your face with no emotion. All of the red clouds had vanished, snow kept calling from the sky until Belle's face was motionless. Flapping your wings you smiled in triumph.

Thank you...
Just thank you...

You stepped away from Belle's body as it vanished into thin air. Leaning down you sat beside Bill. Your appearance much older like a young adult. You sighed, the sky clearing to see the bright moon and the shining stars.

"I love you too..." A voice called. Opening your eyes you looked down to see Bill opening his eyes.

"Bill!" Throwing your arms around his neck he smirked a little, patting your back.

"That's my girl..." He pulled away looking into your eyes.

"Your mine now, and I'm yours!" Getting up you outstretched your arm as Bill grabbed it.

"I love you." He kissed you deeply, and you seriously didn't even care anymore. You were always nervous around him but not anymore. Opening your eyes Bill looked into them.

"You've changed a lot hmm?" Bill smirked, grabbing your hands. Your hair was flowing behind you and smile back.

"Yup! But we have to share this too our friends!"
Bill laughed nervously, he didn't consider anyone a friend here. His wound had healed in a snap like he didn't just die painfully.
"Where's Clara and Dipper?!" You spread your wings and followed the street lamps while Bill ran below you. The light against your skin made you feel better but you were still bruised. A crystal lay perfectly in a field with 3 other people surrounded it. Diving down your wings flew open to land softly.

"Clara and Dipper seem to be together." Candy pointed out. The crystal suddenly shattered. A blue dragon was hiding something under its wing.

Wait! That's not a dragon!
That's Clara!
But where's Dipper?

The dragons eyes flung open, instead of a icy blue it was a golden yellow. The dragon bared it's teeth as it was protecting something. Lifting its wing was Dipper lying there, his face emotionless. The dragons eyes lit up and it transformed back into a girl you recognized and loved so much.

"Clara!" Running towards her you slid your hands around her back and hugged.
Tears streamed down her face as she smiled.

"You did it! You really did it!" She screamed with joy as she tightened her grip around you.

"Uhh... What happened?" Dipper's head rose and Clara threw herself to him.

"I was so scared!" More tears fell as she held Dipper's body. He smirks briefly, got up, and started running towards Mabel.

"I missed you bro bro." She hugged his body tight and Clara smiled. Candy, Grenda, Wendy, You, Clara and even Bill all hugged each other.


Thank you! Thank you so much for reading this book, but don't get so sad because tomorrow is the official ending date.
Is there going to be a second book?

Yes! And that'll be released on Halloween!

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