In this dream, I visited my grandparent's cottage up north (that doesn't exist) for the weekend. My mom, sister and I were going. When we got there, I found out that one of my friends from school has a cottage next door. The next day, I was reading on the front porch when I saw something weird moving around in the garden. I got my binoculars even though it was about 10 feet away. I then found out that a fox was loose in the garden. My grandpa shooed it out. I told my friend next door and they joined us on our surprisingly flat roof. In my friend's backyard, we surprisingly find a tiger, the fox and a ton of African animals from the zoo about 5 miles away. And the bad thing is, the tiger is loose in our yard now. Instead of going the way of the tiger, we all go towards the back, get in the car and just drive. We drive to the nearest public location, which is the house of some famous person revealing a big secret and a ton of people are in line to the front door to hear his secret. They're also selling Miss Belt there, something that makes women's waists look slimmer. In my opinion, it makes human Barbie dolls. Anyway, I decide to try it on. I don't like it and I try to take it off, but it doesn't work. I then go inside and rip it off. When it rips, I throw it in the trash and find out that everyone is leaving because who knows why. When we come back to the cottage, all the animals are chased back to the zoo.