The chaper that would be called the Pilot idk why though.

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"Cecelia! Come down here please! Breakfast is served!" Adria called.

I threw on my favorite pair of hollister sweats and a white ribbed tee. I put my brown hair up into a messy bun before running downstairs.

My dad was seated at the head of the table and, as always, looked sharp.

I pecked him on the cheek, respectfully before sitting on the right of him.

To his left was my little brother Daniel , and my littlest brother Erick.

Sitting beside me was a strange man I had never met before.

I gave him a small smile while I inspected him. He looked around 23, he had straight black hair that was short on the sides and long on the top. He had beautiful green eyes and he had on a muscle shirt so I could see that he was very buff and had a lot of tattoos.

He smiled back before looking at my brothers, and I took that chance to eat my toast.

"Cecelia, Daniel, Erick this is Wren Alesser. He is going to marry Cecelia" my father said.

My eyes went wide and I choked on my toast. I took a drink of the mimosa  Adria had previously served.

I looked over at Wren, and searched his face but all I could read was his smug smile.

"Daddy, I can't marry this man," I yell at him, " I won't marry him! I don't care I won't! If you do make me I will hate you forever!"

I run upstairs and slam the door.

I throw myself on my bed and start to cry.

I wish my Mom was still alive, so that someone could stick up for me.

A while later My dad came into my room and sat on my bed.

"You must marry that man." He says in a small voice before bursting into tears.

The last time I saw him cry was at my mothers' funeral, 10 years ago.

"Why?" I ask him.

Wiping away his tears.

  "His gang protected your mother in the hospital and saved all of our lives from the men who killed your mother. I owe him a debt. He is single so he said that he would marry you and I wouldn't have to pay it. If I say no he will kill your brothers. This is the only debt he will accept. Not money, just you. He wants to unite our gangs and stop all of this rivalry. Please." 

I nod my head once and he starts toward the door.

"And Cecelia?" He asks.

"Yeah dad?"

"He will want you to move with him tomorrow, just pack a bag and your brothers will pack the rest of your room." He says as he walks away.

I grab my favorite black duffel bag from my closet, turn on Purpose, wipe away my tears and get to work. 

Tomorrow I move in with my fiancé, I hope his family likes me.

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