The part when Wren realises Cecelia is missing.

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I walk back to the table a little buzzed from the small joint.

I shake my head, why do I always have to be high to be nice?

I return to an empty table and I swear I see red.

I sit down, shaking with rage.

I will find her and teach her a lesson about leaving me.

Fabio, the waiter, comes over looking nervous.

"Is everything okay here boss?" He asks, fear lacing his voice.

"We're is my girl? You had one job Fabio! I got you this job so that you could watch my back and keep my ladies from leaving while I'm out. Thats your job! Maybe I should cut off your daughters' college fund! Will that show you?!?" I say lowly to the timid creature that's shaking in front of me.

"No, please sir. My d-daughter- S-she needs that money. Your girl- Cecelia- she went looking for you... When she didn't return I assumed that you both- uh- did the deed so I didn't go looking for her." He shook out.

I nodded, I would have never cut off Alma's college fund.

We had been friends forever despite this secret of where her 'scholarship' came from, I told her everything.

She was my closest friend.

Fabio scampered off to the back before returning looking even more scared than before.

"This came for you boss." He mutters throwing the crumpled paper napkin in my lap before, once again, running off.

I shook my head at his retreating figure.

The man was like a mouse, jittery and quiet. I wonder what he'd be like high... Maybe he'd be normal. I laughed at the thought. Fabio was Fabio, I wouldn't trade him for the world.

I uncrumpled the napkins on my lap and scanned over the writing.

I balled them up and stormed out.

Those men will pay.

As I drove home the words on the napkins floated around in my mind, mingling with my rage.

We have her. You know who we are. We're keeping her... She'll be a nice fuck buddy. Beautiful girl by the way, her names Cecelia right? I'm only kidding, of course I know her name... She mine now after all.

-Lorenzo Marchetti

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