The Part when we meet the mom and some crazy shït goes down

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I look in the mirror as the door bell chimes.

I rush downstairs.

How did Alma get back from the airport so quickly?!

I open the door to Herbert, the mailman.

"You got a package." He smiled.

"Thanks Herbie." I say and slip him a 50$ bill.

My drive way is too long for him to not get paid to walk it.

I take the package inside and open it.

It's just a CD.

Suddenly the door bell rings.

I run to answer it and see Alma and an older woman who resembles the one I cried over for 12 years after she left me.

"You're so handsome." My mother says, sobbing.

I walk over and hug her.

I can't help but feel slightly disconnected from her.

I pull away and see her with tears in her eyes.

"Please, don't cry." I console her, continuing to hug.
After a few minutes we find ourselves in the living room.

"Is this a movie?" Alma asks, picking up the CD.

"Might be Netflix." I say shrugging.

She laughs and pops in the movie.

I begin to pull my hand to my neck but am stopped.

The movie starts out pitch black and we hear chains rattling.

"That won't help you love." A male voice chides..

We hear a scream muffled by fabric.

"What was that dear?" The male voice laughs.

The light turns on and we see a girl chained to a board- my girl chained to a board.

"What the fuck?!" I yell.

Lorenzo rips the fabric from her mouth and begins to speak to the camera.

"Dear Brother. By now you know who I am but you don't know why I have done what I have. You see, nobody is really naturally cruel. We do things for a reason- justified or not. It's simple, really. Do you remember when we were younger and Dad beat us? Yes? Of course you do. It was until you were 10, when mom promised to leave to make sure YOU would not be hurt." Lorenzo says.

"What about me?" Lorenzo begs of the camera, as his voice cracks.

He clear his throat and continues, " I was beaten up until Dad died. I suffered for the both of us. You had Zarah, who did I have? Huh? That's exactly right! No one."

"Now, I want you to feel my pain. I will be sending you multiple tapes of your ~beloved~ girlfriend getting hurt- if I don't kill her first." Lorenzo laughs.

"Lets begin." Lorenzo says, clasping his hands together.

He walks toward Cecelia and pushes the part of the board that her head is on toward the ground.

He takes a rag and places it over her face.

She starts to struggle.

"It won't help you, trust me." Lorenzo laughs.

We watch as a steady stream of water hits the cloth.

We hear her try to spit out the water while she bucks against the chains and tries to breathe.

A few minutes later she lies still and Lorenzo laughs, walking over and stopping the tape.

"That was Leo?" My mom asks, as her voice breaks.

I nod and my eyes begin to pool.

"I'm going to go to my study, I'll uh- see you guys later." I say making my way upstairs.

"Wren-" Alma calls out.

"Really, I need some space." I say walking up the stairs and into my study.

I throw myself down into my seat as the tears begin to fall, I pour myself a scotch as I sob.

I don't cry because my heart is broken, I cry because I feel helpless.

The girl I think I love is going to be tortured and if I do anything he'll surely kill her.

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