The part where there are some reunions

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Cecelia's POV-

I pound on the gate as a car approaches.

The window rolls down to reveal Stefan.

"Cecelia!?!?" He shrieks, opening the gate and dragging me into his car.

"I haven't seen you since that first day when we hung out and watched Netflix. Do you remember that?" He asks, driving me towards the house.

"Uh-huh, um where is Wren?" I ask, distracted.

"He should be home, you know you smell terrible right?" He laughs.

"Thanks Stefan." I say getting out as we park and running up to Wren's room.

"Who are you?" An older woman asks as I step in the room.

"Wren's Fiancée, who are you?" I ask.

"His mother." She says.

"Not possible, his mothers' dead. He told me when he was little." I say.

"So you know about Oakland and Peter then?" The strange woman says.

"Yea- what?" I ask confused.

"I told you CeCe, I'm his mother." She smiles.

The minute she smiles I know it's her.

"Aunt Kathy?!?" I shriek and engulf her in a hug.

She hugs me back.

"You smell terrible." Kathy laughs.

"Everyone keeps telling me." I laugh.

"Whats going on here?" A deep voice says.

I turn around and my heart soars.

Dressed in a low towel is Wren.

MY Wren.

Tears begin to fall as I approach him.

"Hey butt head." I laugh.

"Cecelia?" He asks.

I nod and hug him as close to me as I can possibly get.

I feel him begin to sob.

"Don't cry." I choke out.

"You started it, you little asshole." He laughs.

After a few minutes we part.

"Why are we crying? The last time we saw each other we were fighting." I say.

"I think I just got so used to your company I didn't realize I was falling for you." Wren says.

"I guess the same thing happened to me." I sigh.

We stand in akward silence before I speak again.

"You don't have to marry me anymore- I know why you were going to... Even if the way you approached it was really fucked up... It was sweet. You still really don't have to marry me." I say.

"Maybe we should hold off the engagement until we get to know eachother better? Yeah?" He says.

I nod and hug him again.

"Natalia told me that we need to get away for a while. Out of the country until Leo calms down." I mumble.

"That's a great idea. I have this house in Italy that I've been waiting to move into." Wren says excitedly.

I smile.

Everything feels like it's coming together even after the Leo madness.

"Babe? Where are you? The craziest thing just- oh." Alma says, stopping when she reaches the door.

"You're dating Alma?" I say, taking a huge step back from Wren.

"It's not even like that. I-" Wren starts.

"I feel so stupid." I say, utterly flabbergasted.

"No. I'm dating Alma." Aunt Kathy laughs.

I immediately flush.

"That'll teach you to stop assuming shit." Wren laughs.

"Language." Alma and Kathy say in unison.

I laugh and go back to hugging Wren.

"Did anyone tell you that you need a shower?" Wren asks, laughing.

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