The Explaination

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Lorenzo's POV-

"It all began when we were kids." I start off reluctantly.

"My parent would traipse us all over the world before we settled here. Each place we had a different name- for the first five years here we- me and Wren- both had different names. Peter and Oakley. It's okay if you don't remember- it was... Years ago. Our dad was trying to get you and Wren together so that they could take over your parents' gang. But when I started seeing you- I couldn't help myself. I was always finding a reason to go see you.  I fell in love with you, every time I saw you I just fell deeper and eventually I was just in this hole that I couldn't escape. You were the only thing on my mind- I became obsessed. I promised myself that I would take you as my own and after all these years- I have. I do love you." I whisper the last part.

"How did our parents know each other?" She says in a gravelly voice.

"They were both orphans at the same orphanage. Apparently they were like sisters." I answer.

"Why did Wren take me then?"

"He promised your mom to keep you from your dads sex ring. He loves you too, you know. You can see it in his eyes, he's a wreck now that you're gone."

"You say that like I left him, I was kidnapped- by you."

"It doesn't matter how you left, you still did, it still feels the same, either way." He sighs.

"He's your brother- you just let him hurt like that? The Oakley I knew would never do that"

"Yeah, we'll we've certainly all grown up. Some of us had to more quickly than others."

"You don't torture people you love. That's all you're doing. You claim to love your brother and myself but you don't. If you really did you'd want us to be happy and not to be in constant pain!"

"I'm just selfish."

"No, you're monstrous-"

I cut her off with a strike to her face.

She spits out blood and smiles up at me.

"You only prove my point." She says.

I storm out.

She's not the same Cecelia.

Too cold, too mean.

Her heart is like ice, but...

are we the same...?

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