The part when we see what Natalia thinks

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Natalia's POV-

I crouch behind some boxes as my handsome husband talks to that filthy girl again.

I cover my laugh when he hits her and wait for his angry footsteps to trail up the stairs.

As soon as they do I sneak out of my hiding spot and scurry over to the rat.

"W-why are your unshackling me?" She asks.

Her pungent breath invading my nostrils.

"Because- my filthy friend- I feel that he will find a way to love you more than he loves me. And that is simply unacceptable." I say finishing unlocking her.

"Thank you." She says, her pitiful voice swirling around me.

"Shut up." I say and shove a backpack on her back.

"I've ordered a car to take you to Wren's house. After that ask him to take you away for a year. Anywhere, just go. I'll get in touch with him if it's not safe after a year. But you must go- no matter what happens." I say feverently.

She nods and I drag her behind me and into an awaiting car.

"Go! GO! GO!" I yell at the driver as we speed away.


We reach Wren's house and I shove the girl out before we drive off again.

"Good luck!" I yell.

She smiles and waves before running to the gate.

I hope he has fun with that ugly rat.

I have bigger problems awaiting me at home.

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