The part when Cecelia finds out he truth

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I've been here close to two weeks and haven't seen Leo since.

The boys have been very friendly and welcoming but I miss being with Wren and his boys.

I lay out tanning my on the front porch when a car pulls up.

Out steps Leo and my father.

"Daddy!" I yell and run to my father.

"Hey baby girl." He mumbles.

"Are you here to take me home?" I ask.

"But you are home. This man bought you a long time ago..." He says.

"Bought me?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, like all the other women you father sells as sex slaves." Leo laughs.

"But I'm not- You're not- you SOLD me?!? As a slave?!?! You sold your own DAUGHTER?!? Are you fucking psyco?!? How are you okay with this?!??" I scream.

"He doesn't love you sweetheart. He sold you like all his other women- that's actually how he met your mother." Leo answers.

"What about Wren?" I demand.

"Same surname, wrong man." Leo shrugs.


"AND YOU! Making up that lie about moms death. You manipulative fucking bastard." I continue when i get no response.

"You and Natalia will be joining us for dinner." Leo says before taking my father into the house.

"Who is Natalia?!" I yell after them.

"His wife, little bitch." The same blonde bimbo that slept with Wren all those weeks ago says before walking off.

What the fuck?!?!

They're married?!?

Why do they want me?!??

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