The part where they sleep together

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After a shower I end up in his room.

He is laying on my chest and between my legs. His arms are on each side of my head.

It feels good to be cuddled.

"Comfortable down there?" I laugh.

He nods in between my breasts, "Very comfortable."

"I think we started this whole- whatever it is- on the wrong foot." I murmur, playing in his hair.

He nods and I continue. "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Cecelia, and you are...?"

"Wren, nice to meet you, beautiful. I'm really tired, can we just rest." He mumbles.

"How was your day?" I try again.

He laughs, "Good and yours?"

I smile, "It was okay, this guy was being an asshat but he's being nice now."

I look down and see him snoring and smile, he's much cuter when he's sleeping.

Before I know it, I'm asleep too.

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