The end part 2

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"Khol, Amaya, Logan! It's time for the party." I yell to my three wonderful children.

Wren and I have been married for almost 11 years and our love grows with every passing day.

We weren't able to conceive so I was able to fulfill a lifetime dream of mine and adopt three amazing children.

Khol(9), Amayah(7), and Logan (9).

"Mommy! I can't find my dress." Amayah whines.

"It's in the wash room." I call back as Logan chases Khol to the backyard where the party is taking place.

It's Kathy and Alma's 12th anniversary and they wanted it at our house.

They arrive with their child, Ammariah(9) who is Khols crush.

He goes crazy when she's around despite her technically being his aunt.

"Ahh, you both look stunning," I say gathering them both in for a hug.

"Get a mirror darling." Alma laughs before they both walk outside.

I follow them out to look for my husband.

He suddenly appears, carrying Amayah in her purple and green dress.

"Hello my love." I say as he approaches.

"Hey baby." He says, setting Amayah down before kissing me.

"That's gross!" Logan yells in his most disgusted voice.

We part before laughing.

"You'll get it one day." Katherine calls after him.

We both give eachother a look.

Hopefully it will be a long long time before that happens.

"Cmon, go." I say ushering the kids outside.

I laugh as wren follows me outside.

If someone had told me 14 years ago that all this- including the journey to getting her would be my life, I would've told them to roll their opinions up and stick it in their pert bum, where it should be.

This whole journey has made me stronger and a better mom and wife.

I still am scared of water and basements- but I'm working through it and Wren has never once made me feel stupid or hopeless for it.

"Mom! Logan and Khol are wrestling again!" Amayah shouts ripping me from my day dream.

"Aw, don't be a nark!" Logan yells before dodging a punch thrown by Khol.

"Who taught you that word!" I ask them both.

"Toni Maynardi, at school." They say in unison before continuing.

I laugh and go to lie down because I'm feeling nauseous.

I've been feeling tho way for the last couple weeks... Unless...

I race into the bathroom and get out the 'sticks of destiny' as Wren likes to call them.

I wait ten minutes and as soon as I see the double lines I almost pass out...

I'm pregnant!

I run downstairs the stick in hand.

"Hey hon, got a sec?" I ask shakily.

"Just a minute." Wren says, flipping the hot dogs before coming over. (Sorry if I just triggered any vegan/vegetarians)

"What's up babe." He asks smiling.

"You might wanna like sit... Or kneel..."

"I'm a big boy."

"Okay..." I say, pulling out the test.

"For real!" He squeals.

"Yep." I laugh and hug him.

"Hey Mom! You're gonna be a Grandma again." Wren laughs, tears prickling his eyes.

"I'm gonna be a dad again." He whispers to himself, happiness on his face that I've only ever seen when we met our children.

You're welcome.

I love you all.


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