The chaper that has some netflix and chill.

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Adria rushes into my room and throws back the drapes.

I am bathed in early morning sunlight as I wake up, and for a moment everything is beautiful and perfect.

But then I remember Wren so I drag myself out of bed and into my bathroom.

After my shower I throw on some clothes.

. I brush my hair up into a sleek pony tail, and put on my makeup.

At the bottom of the stairs everyone (including Wren) stares at me expectantly. I give them all brave smiles before heading out the door.

It's for my family, not me.

Wren follows and puts his hand on the small of my back.

"If you are going to dress so provocatively please do so only in my room from now on, you are going to be my wife after all." Wren whispers into my ear.

I turn and slap him as hard as I can. He stands there with his mouth agape, looking stunned.

" that was sexist! And what makes you think I would sleep with you? I'm not even attracted to you!" I yell and then slide into the backseat of his car.

My heart is racing, oh lord what have I done? I lied he is attractive but I certainly won't sleep with him! He's a jerk!

A few minutes later he slides in beside me and signals for his driver to drive.

"Cecelia?" He asks, looking uncomfortable.

"What Wren?" I ask trying to sound impatient despite the fact that I am scared.

" I was rude earlier, I was incredibly sexist, but I do expect you to sleep with me, not sleep sleep, not yet but sleep in my bed with me. And I don't understand how you can lie so well because, I am incredibly sexy" he says.

I laugh at that. True, true I think. I nod and then turn out the window.

We pull up to a grande house. There are like 20 hot guys standing outside the house. Clearly, moving here isn't a mistake.

None of them hotter than the one beside me though.

The driver opens the door and so I step out and go towards the door.

A few cat calls follow and a couple hands grab my butt.

As soon as I turn to see who it was, Wren calls out "Leave my wife alone! She is mine!" 

A few people look scared the rest just look ashamed. It was just boys acting stupid, why is he so damn overprotective? I think as I enter the house. I don't have any time to dwell on it because Wren grabs me by the waist, throws me over his shoulder, and races up the stairs and into a room.

It is a grey room. Out past the balcony you can see a beautiful beach. His room smells like him.

I feel like the smell would be called Temptation, it smells like axe and chocolate and everything that is  perfect boy scent. He lays me down on the bed and kisses my cheek.

"Sorry about my boys, I'll talk to them. It's just they can help them selves around a beautiful woman." He says, smirking.

(Me *looks around for a beautiful woman before realizing he meant me.) 

" Oh, uh o-o-o-okay." I say, melting under his warm gaze.

"Unpack everything and then you can come downstairs to meet my boys." I nod and he walks out the door.

I grab my duffel from beside the door and begin unpacking. I put my makeup in his (our?) bathroom and put my clothes away.

As I am about to go downstairs, I remember how he thinks my outfit is provocative.

Wanting not to anger him, again, I change clothes. I throw on a white, long sleeve, off the shoulder crop top, a pair of light blue jeans, and a pair of all white vans.

I also decide to let my hair down, it's cool after all. I run down the stairs and wander into what I presume to be the living room.

This room is a lighter gray than Wren's room. It smells like cinnamon and home, I love it. Wren walks in the room and smiles at me before coming to my side.

The boys from earlier come in the room and my heart starts pounding.

I feel so uncomfortable under the stare of so many guys.

Wren starts introducing them and honestly I forget all of their names.

I must've looked scared because a boy with green eyes like Wren hugged me and whispered in my ear, "it's okay. I'm Leo, by the way. It will get easier."

I smile at him as he backs away.

Cute and sweet how lovely.

A glance over at Wren tells me he is controlling his temper, which I love.

I also feel bad, he is so possessive, that must've been so hard.

Too bad.

I push him down onto the couch and sit on his lap, facing him.

I can hear the room go silent as I push my lips down onto his like it was nothing.

I start to slowly grind on him for emphasis before Wren's lips move along with me.

I pull back and smile at him before padding off to what I think is the kitchen. 

After I have caught my breath I immediately start to regret kissing him.

It was so hot and tempting.

His lips were so warm and plush, I could've kissed him all day.

Wren silently storms into the kitchen, grabs my wrist, and drags me into a study.

He looks at me for a while be fore he blows up.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!"  He yells.

"Watch your language, anyways you enjoyed it. I was just wondering what it would be like to kiss someone who was always angry. Plus, you looked mad about Leo hugging me. I was just showing your boys who and whose they should think I am. Nothing bad." I say slowly.

He gives me a hard look before stomping out of the room.

The boy who I remember as Stefan finds me first.

He shows me around and then we snuggle on the couch and watch movies.

It is perfect. I accidentally fall asleep on him but Wren won't mind that (hopefully).

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