The chapter where Cecelia becomes a strong independant woman (also he will pay.)

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"We have to go back." Leo says after a while of silence.

I know in agreement.

He turns on the engine as I mentally prepare myself to see that lying backstabbing man whore.

He needs to be taught a lesson and I'm gonna be the one to do it.

No more of this touchy feel-y lets get along bullshit.

Oh hecks no.

As of now, I am a dangerous woman.

You don't wanna mess with Cecelia.

Wren. Will. Pay.

We pull up to the mansion and I grab my bag before walking nonchalantly to the door.

I pull it open and throw my bag in the living room. The house seems to have been cleaned up since I left.

I walk back out to the foyer and call out for him.

"Wren! I'm here!" I yell.

I hear feet pound the stair and twenty boys follow Wren down them.

I grimace upon seeing him but hide it behind a small smirk.

"My Cecelia, why did you leave like that?" He asks me, stopping close to me.

I put on finger on his chest and take a big step back.

"First of all, I'm not your anything so I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to. Also, what the fuck did you think I was gonna do? Join in while that blonde bimbo sucked the life out of you? If you thought that you have the wrong whore."

He looked taken back, a look of shock crossed his face.

"You're mine and don't you forget that!" He screamed at me.

"I'm not your property, news flash, this is the 21st century and women can do so much now than we could before, the only thing stopping us was entitled assholes who think they run the fucking planet. News flash you dumb ass, you are not the center of the universe the sun is. Science BITCH!" I yell back before sashaying to my room.

I made sure to shake my butt more as I walked... Let him see what he's missing.


Why the fuck- what happened to her?

Where did my Cecelia go?

What changed her so much in the past couple of hours?

She couldn't have been so heartbroken over that girl... She was just a distraction, something temporary to keep my mind off of Cecelia.

I want Cecelia, not that blonde chick.

I watch as her perky ass disappears into her bedroom.

Damn, I messed up.

When her door slams shut the boys start hooting and laughing.

I curse to myself, she needs to be taught not to disrespect me in front of my boys.

"Shut up! Before I chop your balls off!" I seethe.

They immediately stop and I storm into the kitchen to get a drink.

That fucking girl.


Hey guys I'm so sorry for the lack updates, it's been a crazy couple months!

My watt pad account got taken from me for like ever and then my email account that I used for this shut down so I was working with watt pad to get everything back up and running but to pass he time I've been working SUPER hard on some new books on my new account @0inthenight0 go check them out so much love and many new updates coming soon! I have so much planned for you!

I love you all!

I need an updating schedule so comment here what type of schedule you will want. I obviously will be all updates this week but starting next week how do you feel about one update (at least) every two weeks. Meaning that Inbetween every two weeks I will have one or more updates. I will strive for every week but *no promises*

Ily so much and lots of love for 1k reads. I really did cry forever!

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