The part when we meet Natalia (again)

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Dedicated to:

@mrslachowskitatum go on his page and thank him for the awesome cover if you will.

@shosho1874- thanks for always commenting!

Also Drake, because Views is

•Remeber that Natalia is the girl wren slept with that pushed Cecelia to Leo•


I wake up encased in warm arms.

I pull her closer, Cecelia must've had a bad dream or something.

Her father told me that she was afraid of the dark.

I open my eyes to see her face and am taken aback.

"Get the fuck off of me Natalia." I growl.

"But baby, we do this all the time. Especially now that the brown haired bimbo is gone." Natalia moans and latches onto me.

I feel her cheap purple acrylics digging into my skin.

I stand up quickly and watch as she tumbles back off of my bed and hits her cheap blonde wig covered head on the side of my dresser.

"Bitch, don't you dare talk about her like that." I growl.

I can see the hurt flash across her face but she tries again.

"Oh, baby, you fell for her didn't you?" She slurs trying to be seductive.

"Fuck out of here!" I yell.

"You did, again. You know I'll make you forget just like I did with Cat and Lena. I always do when they leave you." She purrs.

"This time is different. She was stolen, she didn't just leave. I don't need you anymore." I say to her.

She scratches into the 50 pounds of makeup smeared onto her face.

Don't get me wrong- I love when a girl has makeup on.. As long as she doesn't look like a sleazy whore.

Blue eyeshadow and red lipstick means whore in my book.

"I didn't anticipate a stolen one... Thats interesting baby. You make girls get really intricate in order to leave you huh?" She spits.

"Shut up." I mumble.

She didn't choose to leave... She was stolen.

"No seriously. Think of how much she had to pay those men to steal her and make it look real. Probably sucked them off too." She murmurs the last part before heading to the door.

She suddenly stops and turns back,"I'll be here when you want me... I always am."

She bumps shoulders with Alma who quickly delivers her a quick shove down the stairs.

Alma smiles as I hear Natalia's body hit each of the 26 stairs in my home.

"Did she break anything?" I ask.

"Why the fuck do you care? You called her to fuck her? You know I left you because of her and you bring her here?!?" She screams.

I failed to remember the fact that I dated Alma the last year of high school.

"Damn it Al! I don't know who let her in! I told the guards and all my boys to let nobody in or out!" I yell.

"Oh." She mumbles.

"Oh is right." I tease her.

"Fuck off." She laughs and walks down the stairs.


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