The part when Alma stands up for Cecelia

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•Remember that Alma is Fabio (the waiters') daughter and wren has said before that she is his best friend whom he tells everything to except for the fact that he's paying for her college.

"What the hell! You have to find her! She's probably out there getting raped and you don't even care!" Alma yells in the dark room.

"Turn on a fucking light, dumbass." I yell back.

She sighs and I hear her move over and fiddle with the light switch.

The light comes on and I grab a bottle of scotch before retreating to my desk.

I watch the golden brown nectar trail from the neck of the bottle and pool in the bottom of a crystal cup on my left.

"Why the fuck won't you find her?" Alma shouts at me.

"They used his name." I mumble.

"What?!" Alma demands.

"They used Dads name." I say before chugging the liquid in my cup.

"What's that supposed to help?" Alma asks aggressively.

"It means that they're not going to do shit to Cecelia. It's me they're playing with." I mumble.

"So you're gonna let her go? Just like that?" Alma yells.

"I'm trying to find her." I yell back.

"No, you're trying to get drunk so you don't have to think about the fact that you lost another person you love. You can't keep doing this shit, you need to stay sober for her." She argues.

"Don't love her." I hiccup as the liquor starts to hit me.

"Yes, yes you do. You wouldn't have kept that promise to her mother all those years ago if you didn't." She sits across from me.

"I'm just a man of my word. I've never made a promise I didn't keep-wait, why are you here and not in Vegas?" I ask.

"I can't trust you to go through this alone- and sober." She confides.

"What about your scholarship? Won't it be taken from you?" I ask.

"I think we both know that it won't." She says.

I look down, ashamed that she had known about me paying for her college.

"Thanks for that by the way, you're the best." She gets up and hugs me.

"Only sometimes." I mumble.

"Okay! Bedtime!" She yells after a few moment of silence, clapping her hands together once.

I nod and we walk to my door.

"You can't sleep in here with me... You know why." I drawl.

"I know, you have feelings for this girl. She must be really special." She mumbles.

"Maybe, I don't know for sure yet. But she really is ... Something." I smile at my feet.

I watch as Alma sashays her way downstairs and I trudge into my room.

It's going to be a long couple of days.

I lie down on he bed and smell her.

She was here only a few hours ago.

A few hours can feel like forever...

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