The part when we see why Alma is relevant

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Its been two weeks and I still can't figure out what's wrong with Leo.

I decide to follow him home.

He slips through the fence on his gated home.

I turn on my engine and pull up to the house.

The gaurd stops me.

"What're ya here for?" The guy asks.

"My brother, Leo." I answer.

"Lorenzo? He just came home." The gaurd laughs.

"Excuse me, who?" I ask.

"Lorenzo, Leo same thing. Lorenzo must get hard to say sometimes. Hold on, I'll call the house and ask for him." The gaurd says.

"oh, um, no... It's fine. I'll be on my way." I mumble and with that I drive hastily away.

Why the fuck would my brother steal Cecelia?

What does he have to do with her?

I question everything as I drive home.

I pull up to my house and storm inside.

I rush past a woman in my living room.

I turn around and go back.

"What are you doing here still?" I ask.

Alma shifts uncomfortably on my couch.

"I have to tell you something." She mumbles.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's about your mother." She says.

"I don't want to hear ablout that dead coke whore." I say.

"That the thing- she's not dead." Alma says.

my heart stops.

"I haven't been to college since I met her three years ago, she came to me and told me about everything. Wren, your dad lied to you. She wasn't on drugs. She didn't leave you because she wanted to. She left to keep you safe." Alma explains.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?" She asks back.

"Why tell me his now and not three years ago?" I demand.

"Because she wants to see you... and I'm dating her." Alma reveals.

"What?!? But she must be old by now! I'm 21! She left when I was ten!"

"She had you when she was twelve, she was sold to your dad young and he raped her-countless times." She says.

"You guys have a what? 5 year difference?" I yell.

"Yep." Alma smiles at the ground.

"Does Fabio know you're lesbian?" I ask.

"Does he need to?" She asks.

"Duh." I say.

"Can I tell him?" She asks.

"It's your news." I shrug.

The night rambles on and Alma tells me about my mom and I tell her about Leo/Lorenzo.

"I don't know what to do," I start, "before, he was just some random guy that I could kill and go along with my life- no remorse. But it's my brother, the only good family I have left."

"Uh-" Alma says.

"Besides my mother." I say, still partially concerned about the timing.

She nods, "We will just have to be more careful. Only Lat a few of your closest, most loyal members know about Leo/Lorenzo."

"You're right. And if Leo really is this Lorenzo guy we have all the more reason to get Cecelia back quickly- we didn't know about his double life, there might be more that we don't know about him." I sigh.

"But for tonight, sleep. We can't do anything for her if we're exhausted and the other side is well rested." Alma says, walking to her room.

"Night." I call after her.

She nods and then disappears around the corner.

If I'm being entirely honest with myself, I am still trying to figure out the whole Alma/Mother situation, but I have other things- or people rather- to worry about.

God, the next few days are gonna be stressful.

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