The part when Cecelia finds out what's up

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*Trigger Warning*


I sigh as I go over what happened in my head. Why the fuck would he want me when he has a wife?

I really just don't get it.

Why the fuck am I involved with this family in the first place?

I slip into the black cocktail dress that was laid out for me.

I brush my hair before hobbling down the stairs in tall black stilettos.

I walk into the dining room and I am obviously the last person to arrive.

"Finally, you join us. I was wondering..." Lorenzo starts.

"Shut up. I don't care what you thought." I roll my eyes.

I watch as Lorenzo's eyes go red.

"That attitude will get you nowhere." He says lowly.

"Temper, temper." I scold.

He shoves himself up and backs me into a wall.

His hands find his way to my neck and he begins to squeeze.


"Then- why am I here." I choke out.


"Let me die." I whisper before I pass out.

I wake up, exhausted.

My neck feels like it's broken.

I begin to pull my hand to my neck but am stopped.


I am chained to something.

I try to open my eyes but I only see black.

I am chained to what fells like a board in a pitch black room.

I start to panic and buck against my restraints.

"That won't help you love." Lorenzo chides..

"Let me out." I scream but it's muffled by the cloth on my mouth.

"What was that dear?" He laughs.

The light turns on and I am momentarily blinded.

Across from me is a camera with a blinking light.

Lorenzo rips the fabric from my mouth and begins to speak to the camera.

"Dear Brother. By now you know who I am but you don't know why I have done what I have. You see, nobody is really naturally cruel. We do things for a reason- justified or not. It's simple, really. Do you remember when we were younger and Dad beat us? Yes? Of course you do. It was until you were 10, when mom promised to leave to make sure YOU would not be hurt." Lorenzo says.

"What about me?" Lorenzo begs of the camera, as his voice cracks.

He clear his throat and continues, " I was beaten up until Dad died. I suffered for the both of us. You had Zarah, who did I have? Huh? That's exactly right! No one."

Wait, Zarah, my mother Zarah?

"Now, I want you to feel my pain. I will be sending you multiple tapes of your ~beloved~ girlfriend getting hurt- if I don't kill her first." Lorenzo laughs.

"Lets begin." Lorenzo says, clasping his hands together.

He walks toward me and pushes the part of the board that my head is on toward the ground.

He takes a rag and places it over my face.

I start to struggle.

"It won't help you, trust me." Lorenzo laughs.

I feel a steady stream of water hit the cloth.

It flows through the fabric and pools in my mouth and nose.

I try my hardest to spit the water out only to have more fill my mouth.

I feel my air being cut off.

Black dots appear at the edges of my vision.

'Fuck I hate this guy' is my last thought before I pass out again.

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