The part when we find out who 'Peter' is

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I walk to my study with all intentions of calling Cecelia's brothers.

I walk in and see Leo sitting on my couch.

"How are you doing?" He asks.

I pour myself a glass of liquid breakfast and sigh.

"Not so well." I reveal.

"This is your fault you know. This wouldn't have happened if you would've left her with her family." He tells me.

"You know I couldn't have done that." I shake my head.

"No, I really don't. All I know is that you promised her mother something before she died. I don't even know what it was." He says.

"Fine. You wanna know? I'll tell you." I say too pissed to give a fuck.

*im putting this in flashback form for imagery purposes. While he of having this flash back he is explaining what happened*

I run up to Zarah. She has been like a mother to me all these years.

"You look a little different." I say, my eyes roaming her body that is strapped in a wheelchair.

"The Cancer spread my love, I won't live much longer." She whispers.

"Don't say that! There's medicine for these things!" I yell.

"Baby, those medicines don't work for me. I'm sorry." She says.

"I can't loose you too!"I yell.

"I won't leave you alone, you have Cecelia."she says.

"I don't know her anymore. The last time I saw her was the day after my mothers funeral. She knows me as 'Peter'." I whisper the last part.

"She thinks of you a lot. She misses you." Zarah says.

"As do I her." I mumble.

We stare at eachother. We need eachother- I need her.

"I need you to make me a promise."  She says suddenly.

"Whatever you wish." I sigh.

"Before my daughter turns 19 I need you to take her away from her father and brothers." She whispers.

"B-but that's her family!" I yell.

"You and I both know about how bad family can be." She says knowingly.

I look down.

"He father is apart of a very bad gang that sells women as sex slaves. They die as sex slaves." She explains.

"Oh." I mumble.

"Maybe you're too young for this-" she starts.

"No, I'll do it! I'll save her! She'll be safe, promise." I cut her off.

"I'm trusting you." She warns.

"I won't let you down mom." I say.

"So you kept an old promise, how chivalrous." Leo says.

"You wouldn't understand." I say.

He rolls his eyes and walks away.

Something has changed with him, I just have to figure out what.

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