The part when Cecilia WANTS Wren.

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*just now realizing that this chapter didn't upload properly sorry guys!*


The cloth is balled in my mouth as I am thrown in the backseat of a van.

I struggle against the arms around me and spit the cloth out.

"I thought she'd be atleast sleepy by now!" One man complained. (Man #1)

"Ben, did you even put the cloth over her nose?" Another replied. (Man #2)

"Uh... Sure Rory... We've been training for weeks. Of course I remembered." Man #1 (Ben)

"Humph! Looks like all you did was shove it in her mouth!" Man #2 (Rory) grunts.

The third man gives them both looks and the ride is silent.

I look at my lap covered in red fabric and let one tear fall.

I think back to when my mother was alive:

I looked up into her green eyes, so strong and full of compassion and strength. Our dog of 12 years had just died. "One tear." She said, holding me. "Only one tear- make it a good one." I nodded and looked into her eyes as one plump tear raced it's way across my adolescent cheek. She smiled down at me, "Now, we celebrate her life and every time we think of her we can let go one tear before thinking of the happier times. No one has time to sit around and cry all day. You must be strong mon cher." I nod and she kissed my forehead and hummed my favorite tune- a French song about morning bells. I sang along with her. "Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques, Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?
Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines Ding ding dong, ding ding dong."

"Oh god, Ronaldo! She's crying now." Ben exclaimed.

"Well she was kidnapped and taken away from her family... Twice. Let her have her tears, she's not running away anymore." Rory explained.

The car stops and panic over takes me.

"I want Wren! Where is he?!" I yell.

Man #3 ( Ronaldo) laughs, "Beggars can't be choosers, my sweet. You are Lorenzo Marchetti's lover now. You might want to learn that, he's not soft like Wren is... He doesn't love you like Wren does. He will hurt you. You are... After all... Merely his play thing."

"He doesn't love me." I say.

The boys quiet down again.

I turn away and look out the tinted window. It's dark out so all that I can make out is the outline of the mansion.

It's huge- big enough for 80 people to live in without ever meeting each other.

Who needs this much space anyways?

Whoever did, I was about to find out because I was being dragged inside.

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