The chapter where Cecilia begins her plan. And a real look inside Leo's head.

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I laughed in my room, wow I was a great actress.

I jumped up and down and muffled my screams with my hand.

Where did I get the nerve to talk to him like that?

Irregardless, he will still pay for messing with my heart.

It's almost 4:30 so I decide it will be a nice time to cook dinner for the boys.

I smirk to myself as I pick out my outfit.

I pad down in a bikini top and the shortest shorts imaginable. I curled my hair and did a full face of makeup. And damn did I look amazing!

I arrive in the kitchen and see the boys sitting at the table, no Wren. I frown at the thought of him not seeing me tease his friends.

"Where's Wren?" I ask them.

All eyes are on my now, the way that they're taking in my body is a little uncomfortable but I know that they won't touch. I give them my most radiant smile.

"He's- uh- out. He'll be home in 30 minutes." One of the boys chokes out.

The others nod in agreement.

"Guess I'd better start dinner then ." I laugh and run into the kitchen to start.

A chorus of "Yes!" Is heard from the boys and I smile, it's going to be a good night to be me.


I watched as Cecelia ran out of the kitchen, I knew what she was doing and my brother wouldn't like it.

The last girl that tried that... Let's just say she wished she didn't make it.

Don't get me wrong, my brothers a good guy on the inside- deep, deep inside.

He only wants her because her thinks that she will bring out his good side and he's been looking for someone who can't leave him like everyone else in his life did- like I did at one point.

I need to make him promise to work for Cecelia's trust, I can't bear to see another girl hurt by his cold, standoffish personality.

I'm sure she can do what the other girls couldn't.

They were scared of him, they didn't really want to be bold, they were putting on fronts and then crying in their rooms.

The door unlocks and I hear Wren shuffle some things upstairs and then come down. What did he just do to her room?

I can't ask him in front of the boys and Cecelia. I'll have to find a way to get him alone or find out for myself.

I need this plan to work...


I hear the door click shut and hurry to set out the food.

I smile at the 50 chicken breasts encrusted in breading and parmesan.

The noodles are in a big pot on the left and the sauces on the right.

"Boys! Dinner!" I call as Wren walks into the room.

I can see the hypothetical steam emitting from his ears.

"What did I tell you about dressing provocatively around my boys?"

He says lowly, hugging me from behind. My heartbeats pound in my ears.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was going to go for a swim later."I say innocently.

He snarls in my ear and I laugh briskly.

I watch as the boys take enormous portions of everything. Just as I thought, there'd be no leftovers.

"Get off of me you oaf." I shrug him off and walk around to get a plate.

Wren sighs and follows me to the dinner table, plate in hand.

I take the last seat available at the head of the table and Wren takes one directly across from me.

The boys start to eat and I clear my throat to get their attention.

When they don't notice I stand up.

"We're saying grace, everyone hold hands." I command and everyone links hands.

"Thank you God for this food that we are about to receive, Amen." I say.

An "amen." echoes its way around the table before the guys finish stuffing their faces.

Wren looks at me weird from the other end of the table but doesn't say anything.

I shrug and start to eat.

After a while, so does he.

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