The part when the flashback is real

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*turn your ringer on to hear the music (after you press play of course) *

Cecelia's POV-

I don't sleep much that night- how could I? Under the blankets was too hot, on top was too cold.

I tried to ward off all thoughts of Leo-Lorenzo and thought back to my childhood.

A boy with brown curls to his shoulders peers into my room.

"Wanna play with me?" I ask him.

He nods and plops down beside me.

"We're playing Barbie Princesses." I say softly-I was a shy child.

He nods.

Something about his silence allures me and feeds me with confidence.

" d'ya have any siblings?" I ask.

"A brother." He mumbles.

"Ugh, I know brothers." I sigh and he lets a small giggle.

"You're funny." The strange boy mumbles.

"Oh yeah?" I ask

"Yeah." He says.

"What's your name? Mines Cecelia. It sounds really stuck up so people just call me CeCe." I babble.

"Peter." He says.

"That was NOT what I was expecting... You don't look like a Peter." I say, laughing.

He sits in silence before speaking again.

"I'll tell you a secret if you kiss me." He blushes.

I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

We both giggle and look away.

"Peter is not my real name." He says.

"Oh?" I ask.

He nods.

"What's your real name?" I ask.

"PEEEEEETERRRRRRR!" a voice calls.

"That's my mommy. I have to go." He says, kissing my cheek."

He walks to the door and my voice is caught in my throat.

I don't get many kids my age around here.

Just women with crazy hair that smell of liquor and cigarettes looking for my father.

"Wait!" I yell out.

"What?" He asks.

"Visit me sometimes? I get lonely in this big house." I beg.

"Of course Cecelia." He sighs, smiling.

"Thanks 'Peter'" I wink.

"Don't go telling my secrets." He says before disappearing down the hallway.

"What secrets?" I whisper to the spot that he once stood in.

Since that day I saw 'Peter' exactly three more times.

The last time he told me that his mother had died.

I held him in my sun kissed arms as he cried into my favorite yellow and blue sun dress.

I pet his hair as he told me what had happened to her.

A car accident- she died 'on impact' he didn't know what the word meant but we knew it was serious.

He kept asking me why as if I knew the answers.

I wished I did.

I assured him that he could share my mom.

He said that was nice but he just wanted his mom.

When his dad came to get him, that was the last time I saw him.

I wondered what I did wrong... Why he didn't want to see me anymore.

I wondered if I had embarrassed him by offering my mother as a substitute.

I never saw him again and I never knew his real name.

My door flies open and the boys pull me out of my memories.

"Get the fuck up bitch! We're going shopping!" They yell in sync.


"Then get up!" Ben yells.

I sigh and drag myself to the door.


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