Part 3

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I woke up at 1am early Monday morning. I hadn't seen my parents or my brother since last nights drama, I couldn't bear it to be honest. My dad hates when I yelled. He hates when anybody yelled. He was a calm person who didn't particular like drama, which is why he kept out of the argument. I crept down stairs and poured a glass of water. There was no way I'd be getting back to sleep.

Instead, I switched on my phone and quickly received a text from Michael himself.

6:34; Michael
Are you walking to school tomorrow? Same time? Same place? x

1:27; Becca
Yeah, sorry this is late or if you're not awake :) x

1:31; Michael
I'm awake.Why are you awake? x

1:32; Becca
Can't sleep :(

1:34; Michael
You should probably try and sleep  :)

1:35; Becca
Are you tired? x

1:36; Michael
A little x

1:37; Becca
I'll let you sleep. Goodnight x

1:38; Michael
Goodnight Becca x


Well I tried all I could and couldnt sleep a wink. When it was actually time to get up, I rolled out of bed and into my ugly school uniform. It consists of a black skirt with a grey jumper, our school badge sewed on top. We had to wear a plain white polo shirt underneath our jumpers. It wasn't the worst, but it could of been better if I'm honest.

I pulled on my black combat boots and slung my Vans backpack over my back, grabbing a slice of toast on the way out, luckily I brushed my teeth before. I was a little early so decided to grab a coffee from Starbucks on my way.

I kinda went for a pumpkin spice latte instead of coffee, oops.

I was on my way out when I saw the familiar red head pass by.
"Michael!" I yelled, causing him to swiftly turn his head around.
"Oh hi!" He grinned as I caught up to him. "Pumpkin spice latte?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Don't take the mic." I smirked.
"I never said a word." He said as we approached the main road.

"So, you didn't sleep last night?" He asked.
"Nope." I shook my head. "I got in a stupid argument with my brother and ate my tea in my room."
"Your brothers called Daniel, right?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"I used to have a toy lion called Daniel."
I mentally awwed, he really was adorable.
"What happened to Daniel?" I asked.
"I'm not sure. I think I lost him."
That was kinda sad.

"Do you walk home too?" I asked as we soon turned up outside my school.
"Yeah. Want me to wait for you?" He asked.
"Please." I nodded, throwing my empty cup in the bin.
"See you later Becca." He smiled before heading to his own school. I smiled back and headed inside to my friends once more.

Michaels pov

I waved goodbye to Becca and shut the front door. Man I hated school.

"Michael?" My dad called. "You home?"
"Yeah." I replied, removing my shoes and placing them near the door.
"How was school?" He asked as I made my way into the kitchen, where he was preparing tea.
"Okay." I shrugged. Truth was, I hated living with my dad.

My parents broke up when I was young, and I had no option but to live with my dad. I was placed in a crap school with crap teachers and fake ass people. I didn't get much of an education there.

"Well, your mother called today, talking about school." He started, placing the chopped carrots in the pan to boil. "We're considering sending you to Stonebrook Academy. We don't think the school your at is acceptable."
"So I can actually go to Stonebrook academy?" I asked.
"Well, your mother spoke to the head teacher, and they see no problem with it." He explained.
"So, when can I go?" I asked excitedly.
"We'll have to be taken on a tour of the school, and there's all the paperwork to fill out, so I'd say a couple of weeks."

I was actually being transferred to Stonebrook Academy. It had been my dream to go there since I was little. Not only that, Becca goes there, and this could be my chance to finally get closer to her. Not in that way, just a friendly way.

"You'll have to call your mum after, but teas almost ready." Dad spoke.


Straight after tea, I ran upstairs and called my mum.

"Hello Mikey!" She answered cheerfully.
"Hi. Mum! I can actually move to Stonebrook?" I asked.
"If you want to go there, then yes."
"I do! I really do!" I grinned.
"Well, your father might of explained about the tour and paperwork," she started. "So, you can visit the school tomorrow while your father and I sort out the paperwork. They'll look at your file and you should be in by next week."
"So I could be in Stonebrook by next week?"
"Yes! But, there's something else Mikey." She spoke softly.
"What is it?"
"I'd like you to come and live with me."

Beccas pov
My mum made us all sit around the table for a 'family meeting'. I had apologies to my dad for telling and Daniel had to say sorry for spreading my business. It was a pretty awkward night.

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