Part 6

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The next day at school, I tried my hardest to keep Chloe and Michael away from each other, but I gave up by lunch. They were practically glued to each others sides. He would walk her to lessons and wait for her after. They walked to break and lunch together and sat together, he didn't even sit next to me. In fact, we hardly spoke all day. I wasn't jealous, just annoyed. I was annoyed because I knew Chloe better than anyone and I knew what she was doing. The only reason she invited Michael to the movies was to try and make me jealous.

"Chloe and Michael like each other." Erika smirked.
"Yeah, I know." I replied. "A little too much."
"You're not jealous are you?" Charlotte asked.
"Why would I be? Michael can have other friends, I'm his friend. It's not like we're dating."
"Yeah, but you wish you were."
"No I don't! I don't like him."
"Oh please!" Courtney laughed. "Ever since he stopped you from walking in front of that car, you haven't shut up bout him. Plus you were over the moon when you found out he was moving schools."
"Shut up." I said, shaking my head before taking a sip of water.


Michaels pov

I was only going to the movies, so there wasn't much point getting dressed up. I kept my black jeans on and threw on a different tshirt, adding my leather jacket too. When the clock hit six, I jumped in my car and drove to pick up Chloe. Chloe was nice, she was just a little to clingy. She followed me around for the entire day. Whenever I went to talk to Becca, she dragged me away and demanded I stayed with her. She even made me sit on a completely different table without Becca. I guess she's just trying to be friendly.

I pulled up outside a house I hoped was hers. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.
"Hi." She smiled, finally opening the door.
"Hey." I smiled back before heading back to the car.

I felt a little underdressed after seeing Chloe. She was wearing a tight black dress with a denim jacket over the top. We were only going to see a movie.


I had to pay for both of our tickets and a popcorn to share. But after the film finished she complained about being hungry, so I took her to pizza hut across the road.
"When you said we should get food, I didn't know you meant pizza." she said.
"Well it's my favourite food." I smiled.
"Yeah, well it's not mine."
"Well, we can leave if you want-"
"We're here now." she spoke "lets just order."


I haven't listened to badlands in about 3 months, and listening to it now makes me realise how in love with halsey I am. Ugh.

Also, don't forget to read my other books:-)

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