Part 17

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Another school day. I heard that Michael was back at school today, and I wasn't looking forward to it. When I arrived at school, I sat at our table and barely talked. I just looked around and all the people crowded in a tiny dining hall, laughing and joking with their friends while I sat here moping around. I slowly realised that Chloe wasn't with us today, which was a little weird.

On my way to form, I passed Michael. We looked right into each other eyes for a second before I turned my head away. I couldn't help but hate Chloe even more. She was walking around with my ex boyfriend, knowing it would wind me up. I know I was okay sixteen and sixteen year olds should have more to worry about than boys. But I actually liked him more than anybody I've ever liked before. I could even love him, except I don't know what love is.

Michaels pov
Even walking past Becca hurt me. I thought I could make amends with her and forgive her because everyone makes mistakes. But I couldn't. Looking at her just reminded me of what she did, and I could ever forgive anyone who did what she did.


It was finally time to go home. I managed to part ways with clingy Chloe and head home. I plugged in my earphones and listened to Greenday, separating myself from the world. The only reason I actually hung around with Chloe today was because I had no other friends there. Apparently I was 'popular' at Stonebrook but I definitely wasn't.

I knew I was close to home when I heard the noises of cars coming from the busy main road. The road I met Becca at. No matter how hard I tried, Becca was still my only thought. I paused my music as I approached the road, seeing the familiar ginger, walking out into the road.
"Becca wait!" I screamed, pulling her out the way of the car which was about to knock her over. We both fell in a pile on the pavement and she engulfed me into a hug I had no choice but to accept. "Thankyou." She sighed.
"Don't worry about it." I smiled gently. She removed her earphones and shoved them into her bag. "I couldn't see, I was wiping my eyes." She told me.
"Wait, have you been crying?" I asked, moving her hair behind her ears as she tried to hide her face saying she wasn't crying. But I knew she had been.

"We should probably go, we look a little weird sat in the middle of a pavement next to a busy road." I chuckled. She nodded and I helped her up, linking our fingers together as we walked home. I asked if she'd like to come to mine, which she accepted. We walked in the empty house and I dragged her to my room.
"I'm sorry." She said without looking me in the eye as we sat on my bed.
"For what?" I asked.
"For everything. I bet you wish you never met me."
"Becca please. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Yeah, what you did really hurt me and I thought I'd never be able to forgive you. But now maybe I can." I shrugged, looking her dead in the eye. "I thought about it a lot today, and I was going to tell you all that stuff anyway."
"Really?" She raised her eyebrow. "Of course, I love you." I admitted, cupping her face with my hands. "Well, I love you too." She smiled. "I don't know what love feels like but I'm pretty sure I'm feeling it now." I leant forward and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. Her lips I missed so much. I kissed her again and again until it was more of a makeout session.


I was going to write smut for the last part of the chapter but I felt really awkward writing it and it probably won't be that good anyway😁 anyway,I hope you liked this chapter💕
I feel like this book is going to be ending in about 6/7 chapters maybe even less☹️
I have the rest of the story planned I'm just not sure how many chapters will be left💖 I was going to make this a 30/40ish chapter long book but I just don't have the storyline and there's only so much the characters can do

-Steph!! Xx

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