Part 4

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Michaels pov
Two weeks later, I was settled in at my moms. After begging for days and days, dad finally caved and allowed to me move out. I'd told Becca the news about moving to her school, and she was over the moon.
"You're uniform arrived this morning." Mom smiled, handing me a bag from the side of the sofa. "How was your last day?"
"Just like every other day." I shrugged, taking the bag from her hands and pulling out the jumper.

"I'm going to put this upstairs. I'll be down later." I said, kissing her cheek and rushing upstairs. I dropped the bag of clothes next to my bed for the morning and opened my laptop.

Beccas pov
Michael promised he'd Skype me at 6. I'd been waiting here for 10 minutes, hoping he'd come online soon. As soon as the clock ticked 6, he came online. I waited for a few moments before he started calling. Of course I accepted straight away.

"Hey!" He grinned.
"Hi." I waved.
"I am so excited for tomorrow! I think this is the first time I've been excited for school." Michael chuckled.
"I can't wait either. You can come and meet my friends. Erika is so nice and really pretty as well as Charlotte. I don't get on with Chloe though, we aren't actually friends." I started. "But you don't always have to hang with us, you could spent time with your own friends."
"I don't have friends." He said, causing me to laugh.


When Monday morning came, I met Michael outside of his moms house. We both headed to school, obviously stopping off at Starbucks first. We arrived and sat out my table.
"Charlotte will probably be here first." I smiled. Soon enough, Courtney and Charlotte arrived together, with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Who's this?" Courtney asked, dropping her bag to the floor.
"This is Michael, the boy I told you about like, last month."
"So you've been talking about me?" Michael smirked, nudging me with his elbow.
"No! I just told them how you saved me."
"I can already feel the sexual tension between you two." Charlotte grinned.
"Charlotte!!" I gasped, glaring at her.


Erika arrived shortly, along with Chloe. Michael seemed to hit it off with my friends straight away, I just didn't want them to get too friendly. Obviously Chloe flirted like mad with him, but he kind of ignored her which i was pretty pleased with.


My first update in nearly 2 months I'm sorry!! I hope you're liking this book:)))

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