Part 15

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After the incident with Michael the other day, I had to find out what happened to Michael in his past. I know the reason he didn't want to tell me was because it was private, and he probably didn't feel comfortable telling me. But I just had to know what was going on with him. I waited until Michael had gone out with Luke, Ashton and Calum, before taking a trip to visit his mom.
I knocked on the door, and within a couple of seconds a blonde woman answered.
"Hi, I'm Becca. I'm one of Michaels friends?" I told her. "Oh, I've heard all about you!" She smiled. "Please, come on in."
I smiled back and entered the house which smelt of vanilla and Michael. She offered me a drink, I asked for water, and she invited me to sit at the table. "Is there any particular reason you visited?" She asked.
"Actually, I wanted to ask about Michael," I started. "I know this is probably a really embarrassing thing for Michael, but the other day, he turned up to my house crying because of some things his dad had told him. He was crying for a long time before I managed to calm him down." I explained.
"Did Michael tell you anything?" She asked. "He told me he'd said some things about me and Calum."

"None of this is my place to tell you, but I think you should know," his mom started. "When Michael moved up into secondary school, he made friends with Ashton, Calum and Luke. I've heard you've met them. But anyway, Michael's dad was extremely worried he'd make friends with the wrong people and they'd be a bad influence on him. When Michael was 15, he was arrested for drugs. Calum introduced him to them. All has been forgotten, but his dad keeps bringing it up and I guess it makes Michael feel angry, or upset even.

Now, when Michael was really young and I was still with his father. Whenever Michael was really 'really naughty' or 'behaved in a way which wasn't suitable', his dad would hit him. I couldn't do anything about it because he'd hit me too. I know I should've reported him, but I wanted my son growing up with both parents. I didn't want my son being bullied or teased for being beaten up."

"I had no idea things were so serious,I'm so sorry." Was all I was able to say.
"It's not your fault. You make Michael really happy and that's important. Whatever his dad says, you stick with him, okay?" She asked.
"Definitely! Of course. I love him too much to let him go." I smiled.


That night Michael was at mine, he was laughing and joking around playing the sims on my laptop. The guilt was eating me alive. Knowing Michael didn't have a clue I knew everything about his past worried me.
"Michael," I breathed out.
He turned to face me. "You know, you can tell me anything, right?" I asked.
"Okay?" He nodded. "Like, anything. I want you to feel comfortable telling me things."
"Okay, what's up with you tonight?" He asked.
"I went to talk with your mom today." I finally told him.
"You what? Talked about what?" He asked.
"You." I mumbled. "What do you mean me? What is there to talk about?"
"I was worried okay? I knew something was bothering you so I went to ask your mom about it. She told me about your dad and you getting arrested for doing drugs." I explained.
"You had no right to go to my house and ask my mom personal questions. You should've asked me!" He responded angrily.
"But even if I did Michael, you'd still react in the same way you're doing now, and you'd think I was some nosey bitch who wants to know all about your past life!"
"If you want to know everything that's happened, I might as well just tell you!"
"Maybe I don't want to hear no more." I replied.

"I'm going to tell you anyway, you seem so interested in my life! After my dad beat me, my mom left. That's the reason I was stuck living with him for all that time when she finally decided to come back, I was 13. I desperately wanted to move in with her, but dad wouldn't have that. They'd argue 24/7 and they'd never shut up. It got so bad, I blamed the entire thing on me. If I'd never been born, none of this would've ever happened. I harmed myself as a punishment, and to this day I have the scars. Nothing in my life has ever gone right, except meeting you Becca. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. And now you've fucked everything up by interfering with my past I didn't want anybody to know about. Do you know how that makes me feel Becca? We're done, I'm out."
He walked out and left me. He was right. I had fucked everything up. I heard the front door slam, luckily my parents weren't in. Instead of running after him like I should've done, I sat and cried until I had no more tears left in me.

Id lost my lifesaver.

Yo here's an update for y'all. I literally never say the word y'all. I'm just in a super good mood bc 5sos in 59 days and I'm so ducking excited. If you're going to slfl, I hope you have an amazing time, and if you're not, don't worry. You'll see the boys one day I promise 😊😊

I kinda like this chapter, even if they fall out you. Oops.
Love you!!

-Steph!! Xx

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