Part 22

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I sat in my room, alone. My mum brought a plate of food up, but I never ate it. I was too sad to eat. It had been two weeks since Michaels death and I still wasn't over it. The boys cancelled the rest of their tour, not knowing if they were ever going to continue as a band after the loss of Michael. Thousands of fans mourned over Michael after Ashton, Luke and Calum tweeted a video of them explaining what had happened over the last couple of days.
Michaels family invited me to the funeral, but I couldn't go. They understood why and weren't mad at me like I thought they would be.
I was well and truly broken. I knew I'd have to get over this sometime, but it was going to take a while for me to be happy again. Courtney, Charlotte and Erika had called saying how sorry they were to here the news. Even Chloe text.
I sat flicking through the many photos I had of Michael and I before I broke down crying. I knew doing this was probably going to make things worse, but I didn't really care. I couldn't even watch a tv show or series without feeling like I was about to burst into tears.
There was a small knock on my door. I lazily got up to see who wanted to talk to me, opening my door to see Daniel looking up at me with sad eyes.
"Mum told me about your boyfriend Michael." He said.
"He wasn't my boyfriend, just a friend." I told him as he sat in the middle of my bed, I remained at the top.
"But you wanted him to be your boyfriend. You said you love him."
"I do. If he was still alive, I might've even asked him to be my boyfriend." I nodded.
"I liked mikey. He was nice." Daniel spoke.
"I know." I replied, a tear falling down my cheek.
"Don't cry Becca, I'm here to make you happy." He smiled, wiping my tear away with his teddy dinosaur.
"Thankyou Daniel." I smiled back weakly. The first time I'd smiled since I lost Michael.
Daniel crawled over and hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back.

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