Part 2

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It had been a week since I met Michael, and I hadn't seen him since. I was hoping to just bump into in the street, but unfortunately that hasn't happened yet. All my friends now thought I was making the entire thing up, especially Chloe. She wouldn't stop laughing at the fact that I'd made up some random boy, which was untrue. I just wish I could see Michael again to make sure the whole thing wasn't just a dream.


"Becca!" My mum shouted up the stairs. I grunted, appearing at the top of the stairs. "Please go and take Daniel to the park, he wants to meet his friends." She smiled. "Can't he go himself? He's eight." I sighed. "You don't have to stay for long, please?" Mum begged. I knew mum would have a load of housework to do and coursework from work, so I decided to take a trip to the park with my little brother.


"And then I scored a goal after David, and he said it was rubbish and that I'm a rubbish player..." Daniel explained on our way there. I had no interest in what he was saying and completely zoned out when he started talking. "Okay, we're here." I said as we arrived at the gates. "Go and find whatever friends you have, I'll be erm, at the, swings." I told him. He nodded and ran off in the opposite direction. I headed up to the park and sat down on a swing, pulling out my phone and scrolling through Twitter.

"Didn't think I'd see you here." The familiar voice spoke a few minutes later. I shot my head round, seeing Michael leaning against the wall, grinning. "Didn't think I'd see you again." I smiled back. "So you missed me?" He raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't say that." I smirked. "Well, I was away on some family trip for a week, so that may be why you haven't seen me." He explained.

"Well I've just been walking to school on my own." I scoffed. "Like usual then." Michael said. "Excuse me- actually, that's true." I laughed, starting to swing a little. "So I'm trying to have a conversation, and you're swinging away." He said, also starting to swing. "Who's swinging now?"

We somehow ended up seeing who could go the highest on the swing, which wasn't a very good idea for me. "Becca, you're going really high." Michael laughed, as he stopped swinging. "But I'm winning-" before I could finish my sentence, I was flying through the air, but didn't reach the found. Instead, i landed on top of another body, looking up seeing Michael flat on the floor. "I'm so sorry." I chuckled, helping him up from the floor. "You're lucky I dived for you, you could of seriously hurt yourself." He scratched the back of his neck. "Nobody's really looked out for my like you do." I told him shyly. "Well someone should, you trip over thin air." He laughed.

We sat on a bench near the swings and talked. It seemed like we'd been talking for hours before Daniel rudely interrupted. "When are we going home?" He moaned. "Not yet, you wanted to come anyway." I laughed. "Yeah, but the other team is winning, and I want to win." He told me. "I should really be heading home anyway." Michael spoke. "So can we go?" Daniel asked. "I guess, start walking." I told him. He nodded and set off. I turned to Michael.

"Would it be okay if I got your number? For like emergencies and stuff." He asked. "Course! I'll probably need you to help me out of some sticky situation." I laughed, taking his phone and quickly typing in my number. "I'll text you later then." He smiled. "Good." I spoke. "See you later Becca." He said before turning and walking in the opposite direction from me.

"Who's that boy?" Daniel asked. "Is he your boyfriend?"
"Course he isn't Daniel." I laughed as we headed for home.
"What's his name? I like his hair. I want red hair." Daniel went on.
"If you want to know, his name is Michael." I told him, starting to walk a little faster.


We sat down at the table ready for tea, which just so happened to be my favourite. Pizza. Mum dished out the slices, with chips on the side.

"So who was at the park Daniel?" She asked.
"Just Tom and Alex." He shrugged. "And Becca has a boyfriend." He shrieked.
"What?" Mum raised an eyebrow.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I spat.
"He's called Michael. And he has red hair!" Daniel started to explain.
"He's not my boyfriend Daniel!" I shouted.

"Calm down Becca. We don't mind you having a boyfriend." Dad added.
"But he's not! I'd tell you if I had a boyfriend." I told them, standing up from my seat.
"Sit down." He ordered.
"No! I don't want to sit with him!" I pointed to Daniel before picking up my plate and running to my room. I slammed the door shut so they'd be able to here and ate my tea in complete silence.

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