Part 20

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I walked out of the arena with the two girls and found Ben again, waving goodbye to the two girls. I told him about the entire concert as he drove me back to my hotel, which we soon parked up outside of.
"Michael said told me to tell you he'll come to the hotel as soon as he's done at the arena." Ben spoke.
"Michaels coming here?" I asked.
"You didn't know?"
I shook my head with a smile on my face.
"Thanks again Ben." I said before exiting the car and heading into the hotel. I received me room key and made my way there.

As soon as I walked into my room, I changed into my comfiest clothes and slippers before washing off all my makeup and tying my hair up into a loose bun. I lay in bed scrolling through my Twitter feed which was full of the concert.
Not long after my door opened and Michael entered.
"So, how did I do?" He asked.
"Amazing! I can't believe you put me right at the front though."
"You had to get a perfect view, and you obviously did because I saw you staring!" He laughed.
"Are you kidding me? Staring?"
"Don't deny it." He said as he jumped onto the bed.
"Don't jump on the bed, I have to sleep here tonight." I told him.
"Who were the two girls you talked to?" He asked.
"Becky and Jessica. I didn't know them but I was alone." I said, which Michael found funny.

"Okay, so me and the boys are going out tonight, if that's ok?" Michael asked.
"Why are you asking me? You don't need permission to go out with your friends." I scoffed.
"I know, but j was going to stay here with you and you can fan girl about the concert and I could sit and listen but then the boys suggested we go out and I didn't know what to say."
"Michael, just go have fun, okay?"
"Okay." He smiled, kissing my forehead and bouncing off the bed. "I'll be back later though, but you'll probably be asleep."
"I doubt it." I said once he's left.


I saw the time was 3am, which was probably time to put my phone down and try and get some sleep. I just put it down when it was ringing, Ashton was calling me.
"Ashton?" I spoke.
"Becca! Oh my god Becca. You need to come to the hospital." He rushed.
"The hospital? Ashton are you drunk or something?" I asked.
"No I'm serious, please. Just get dressed because Bens on his way to get you. He'll be like, 5 minutes."
"Will you please tell me what's going on?" I asked, jumping out of bed and turning on the lights.
"I'll explain when you get here. Just please hurry." He begged before the line was cut off.
I wiggled into some black jeans and kept the oversized hoodie I was swearing in before slipping into my shoes. I grabbed my phone and door key before running, yes running, to the main entrance, seeing Ben pulling up. The car hadn't even stopped before I was in and ready to go.

"Do you have any idea what's happening?" I asked.
"Not a clue. Calum called me telling me I had to pick you up and bring you to the hospital straight away." He replied.
I couldn't help but think one of them was injured or seriously hurt to be rushed into hospital. It wasn't Ashton because he called me and Calum called Ben. That only left Michael or Luke. It wouldn't be anything to do with my family because my actual family, or even Michael would've called me then. I was worried. Seriously worried.

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