Part 9

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Michaels pov
I was at Beccas house for 6, knocking on the door and waiting. She answered and she looked beautiful. She wasn't overly dressed like Chloe was, she just wore a black skirt with a white vest. She also wore a denim jacket which was similar to one I had.
"You're staring." She said.
"S-sorry. You just look so pretty." I told her.
"I don't but thankyou." She smiled, walking past me to the car.

"Where are we going?" She asked I started up the car.
"For some food." I said, leaving her street.
"Where? Don't tell me you're taking me to McDonald's." She groaned.
"I promise. It's better than McDonalds."


"This is way better than last night." Becca said with a mouth full of pizza. I decided to take her to Pizza Hut.
"I know right. I didn't mind eating the pizza to myself but I look greedy compared to Chloe who just sat there drinking a class of water."
"Most people come here for pizza, so they wouldn't be surprised." She smiled.

I really liked hanging out with Becca, it was way better than hanging with Chloe. I couldn't help but think that she might like being with me. It's like we were made to be friends. We both loved playing video games and could basically live off pizza. We both suck at maths and she has an interest in guitar, which is an instrument I can play.

"What are you thinking about?" Becca asked, distracting me.
"Nothing. I was just thinking about how good this pizza was." I lied.
"You've finished it." She chuckled. I looked down seeing she was right.
"I still have the taste in my mouth." I laughed awkwardly.
"You're so weird."


After I payed for the pizza, Becca wanted to take a walk on the beach which I agreed to. I desperately wanted to link my fingers with hers, but I knew it would be wrong and I'd probably ruin the entire night.
"We should go skinny dipping." I joked.
"Seriously?" She raised her eyebrows.
"I was joking but now, not so much." I smirked. I took off my jacket for her to sit on, but she already thought ahead and used hers.

She looked so beautiful with the wind blowing through her orangey brown hair. The moonlight reflected into her green eyes. I sat close to her, that was until the wind blew harder and we were suddenly attacked by sand.
"I can't fucking see! There's sand in my eyes!" Becca screamed, her hair was now blowing everywhere. I couldn't help but laugh. I picked up our jackets and held her hand, guiding her to the car.
"Can you see now?" I asked, dying down he laughter.
"Just about." She replied, wiping her eyes and smudging all her makeup making my laugh even harder than before.
"Why are you laughing?" She moaned.
"No reason." I told her, jumping into the car.

"I look absolutely awful!" She cried, attempting to wipe the makeup from under the eyes.
"No you don't, nothing could make you look awful." I grinned.
"That was cheesy as fuck." She chuckled, putting her phone away.
"I intended it to be."
"Here," I spoke moving closer "you have an eyelash." I said, wiping it away. I didn't even realise how close we were until she breathed and I could feel her cool breath against me.

I smiled, moving closer until our lips were almost touching. Becca pushed herself against me, connecting our lips together. The waves crashed to the shore in the background and the smell of her perfume lingered. My tongue scanned her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she accepted, parting her lips slightly.

She pulled away after a couple of seconds, heavily breathing.
"What was that for?" She smiled.
"You were the one who kissed me." I smirked, fastening my seatbelt and heading for Beccas.


Aw cute little Becca and Michael moments😌 I feel they should have a ship name so leave some ideas here!!!!🙂
Another update today because I'm feeling kind and I already had this wrote down😏 and I also wanted to tell you about my day today❄️
Since it was snowing, my best friend decided we should go to the park. So I said yes, even though I hate the snow (sorry!!) and my other best friend also came along! I got cold and we had hot chocolate blah blah blah and then we went back outside. This girl we hate from school was also there trying to threaten us with snowballs but obviously we ignored her🙄 then we somehow got in a snowball fight with my friends brother and his friends(they're like 10/11) and then some other people in the year below us joined. Then a really cute guy kept trying to throw snowballs at me(most people were because I was screaming oops😳) and he missed bc im super good at dodging😶😶 so I sat on the swing and he literally rubbed snow from the ground right in my face. I would've been mad but he was cute😎
So that was my day, how was yours????? Has it been snowing where you are? And if it has, have you been out or did you stay inside like I wanted to???
I'm going to go and do some research in Dolphins and hopefully update my other books pretty soon🤗🤗
-Steph! Xx

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