Part 8

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I woke up late the next day. My pile of food was on the floor and my half empty bottle of Buxton. I threw it in my bag and peeled my clothes from my body and into my uniform. I simply just brushed my hair before spraying my self with Taylor swifts perfume. I grabbed my bag and my phone and made my way to school.

I finally arrived and everybody else was already there, including Michael.
"Hey." He smiled. "I called for you but your mom said you'd only just woke up."
"It's fine." I smiled before sitting next to him.
"Tired?" He smirked.
"A little." I glared.

I waked to my first lesson with Erika as she talked about her boyfriend. His name was Brent and he went to another school. She claims they met through a mutual friend but she has no other friends except us. I was getting bored of her going on out her new boyfriend whilst I was sat there with nobody.

My mind flashed back to last night and how much I loved being around Michael. Maybe my friends were right? The only reason I didn't want Chloe to have Michael was because I wanted him for myself? But I wasn't jealous, I was just looking out for him as a friend. I guess you could say I have mixed feelings for him.

"Becca, are you even listening?" Erika asked, waving her hand in front of my face.
"What?" I snapped back into reality.
"I was asking you about Chloe and Michael. Do you know what happened between them last night?"
"I'm not sure." I lied. "I haven't seen him since yesterday." I lied again.
"Well Chloe's been avoiding him all morning and she wouldn't even tell me how the movie was!"
"Probably sucked." I said.


Michael text me during fifth class, telling me to meet him round the back of school when the last bell rang. I replied okay and carried on with my science.
When the last bell finally rang, I packed my things up and rushed out to meet Michael. I waited for the corridors to calm down and headed for the back. He was already waiting for me, leaning on a wall scrolling through his phone.

"Hey!" I smiled.
"I almost dropped my phone you idiot." He gasped.
"What do you want?" I asked as we started walking.
"I want to take you out tonight."
"Are you serious? I asked. "I'm so tired."
"No, no, not like last night. I mean about 6?"
"And do what?"
"It's a surprise." He smirked.
"Fine." I sighed.
"Great! I'll pick you up and 6 then."
"If I fall asleep, I'm blaming you."


Hello!! Yay an update, even though it's not very good☹ I'm also writing a new series of books so I might publish the first chapter on Thursday🙂
It's called 'seventh grade' and it's another Michael book🙈oops.
Also do you like this phone case? The picture is on top🦄 bc I really want a new case because mines all dirty and horrible and I think I might buy this😏
Also, do any of you lot watch celebrity big brother? Because if you do, how much do you hate Gemma? I don't know about you, but she's doing my head in!!😁
I'll leave you with this and maybe update during the week😌
-Steph!! Xx

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