Part 10

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The next day was Saturday, so I was able to sleep in for as long as I wanted to. And considering I was out until the early hours of the morning, I was in bed for most of the day. I finally decided to get up and two, making myself some breakfast and changing into leggings and a comfy jumper. I received a text from Michael, him telling me he had a great time last night and we should do it again.

I smiled to myself, locking my phone and placing it on the bedsides cabinet. I smiled even more remembering the kiss we shared together. It wasn't just a peck on the lips, it was a heated make out session. I didn't think he'd text me so early, maybe not even text at all. I replied with a smiley face before lying back in bed again.


On Sunday Michael wanted to meet at the park, so I forced myself out of bed and got dressed. I said a quick goodbye to my parents before heading off around the corner. I waited in the swings for Michael, him arriving a couple of minutes after.
"Hey!" He engulfed me into a hug which I accepted.
"Hi." I laughed.
"So, I wanted to ask you something."
"You dragged me out if my bed just to ask me a question? Couldn't you of just asked me over the phone?" I asked.
"Not really, I wanted to do this face to face. It's a lot easier, but a lot more awkward than I thought it would be."
"What is it? Just ask me!" I told him. He took a deep breathe before talking.
"I was just going to ask you a small question, not a big deal really,"
"Get on with it!"
"Fine! Doyouwanttobemygirlfriend?" He blurted out.
Did he really just ask me to be his girlfriend?

"Me?" I asked.
"No, I was asking Chloe." He rolled his eyes. "Do you want to be my girlfriend or don't you?"
"Yes! I do want to be your girlfriend." I replied.
"Then fucking kiss me." Michael said before locking our lips together. A shiver ran down my spine at his touch and crazy butterfly's were flying around my stomach, just like the first time we kissed.
"I was worried you'd say no." He said pulling away.
"Why would I say no?" I asked.
"I didn't think you liked me, in the same way I liked you."
"If I didn't like you, why would I kiss you?" I smirked before attaching our lips together once more.

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