Part 11

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For the rest of Sunday afternoon, my parents made my brother and I go shopping with them. I wanted to spend time with Michael, but they told me I had to spend time with the family.
"Why couldn't I just stay at home? I could've looked after Daniel for you." I groaned.
"We hardly get to see you anymore," mom started. "With school and your friends, we don't get to spend enough time together as I family."
"Yeah, but I was hanging with Michael." I told her.
"Who even is Michael?" Mom asked.
"My friend?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I know! I mean, what are you two? Are you just friends or has he asked you to be his girlfriend?"

I tried to hide my smile, but I must've turned bright red as Daniel shouted it out I was 'turning red like a tomato'.
"Fine! He told me to meet him at the park and he asked me to be his girlfriend." I told them.
As a child, I found talking about boys with my family embarrassing. I never showed interest in boys when I was with my parents, and i never actually spoke about them. I had my first boyfriend when I was 14, and that didn't turn out very well.

But as I got a little older, I opened up more and talking about boys I found cute or had a crush on.
"So, what did you say?" She smiled.
"I told him yes." I said.
"That's great! Maybe we can ask him for dinner tomorrow." Mom said turning to dad.
"What? No! Michaels not coming to our house for dinner."
"Why not?"
"That would be the worst thing to ever happen."

"Come on Becca, it really wouldn't be that bad." Dad added.
"Yes it would! If you even think about inviting him, I'm moving out. I will pack my bags and leave."


"I can't believe you invited him without asking for my permission." I rolled my eyes.
"We did, but you said no." Mom said.
"You're just going to embarrass me! One minute we'll be eating around the table, the next I'll be gone and you'll whip out the family picture book and show Michael my naked baby photos."
Michael would probably like that considering it a naked picture of me.
"Calm down, we promise we won't embarrass you, we just want to get to know him." Dad smiled

I sighed, rushing upstairs to feast for tonight's dinner. Even though I was completely against Michael coming, there wasn't anything I could do about. Instead, I pulled on a fired black skater dress and a pair of fluffy socks. I brushed my hair and left it as natural waves before applying mascara and eyeliner.

An update for Calum's birthday!! Ugh, I can't believe he's 20, that makes him sound so much older than 19. I hope he's had a great day and has probably been drunk for it all:)) love you!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
This chapters also a little short I apologise, they will get longer🤗🤗
-Steph!! Xx

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