Part 12

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"It's lovely to meet you Michael." Mom smiled, shaking Michaels hand as he walked through the door.
"You too." He smiled back.
"When will dinner be ready?" I asked.
"About 20 minutes." Dad replied.
"Great, we're going upstairs." I grinned, dragging Michael upstairs.
"Leave that door open Becca!" I heard my mom shout after us.

I ignored her, guiding Michael to my room and closing the door quietly.
"You're supposed to leave that open." Michael smirked. "What for? We're not going to have sex." I smirked back. Michael walked over, pressed me up against the door and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed me harder.
"Nice room by the way." Michael smiled as he pulled away, walking over to my bed and sitting down.

I felt my cheeks turn pink, the same colour as my room. I had stuffed animals thrown on top of my wardrobe. Clothes and makeup were lying around and my underwear draw was open. I quickly ran over and closed it, picking up some clothes and throwing them into a corner to try and make it look a little tidier.


"So," dad started. "What are you going to do after high school?"
"Well, me and three friends from my old school are in a band. It's nothing big, we just upload covers onto YouTube. I really want to make it big one day though." Michael replied.
"You're in a band?" I asked.
"Looks like you're dating a rockstar." Mom smiled at me.

How come he's never told me about his band before? I knew he had to have other friends, but he never mentioned them never mind the band. When did he even go to band practise? Did they have band practise?

Mom and dad cleared the table and made their way into the kitchen to wash up, whilst Daniel ran off to his room to play with his dinosaurs.
"Why haven't you ever told me about your band?" I asked. "I guess it just never came across in conversation." He shrugged.
"So, all the times we've hung out and watched YouTube, you never thought to say 'oh, I upload videos on YouTube of me and my band'?"
"Not really." He chuckled.
"Stop laughing. I'm serious! Will you tell me the name of your band?"
"Nope." He shook his head.
"Why not?"
"Because, I don't want you to hear me sing." He replied.
"Michael, I've heard you sing like a billion times."
"Yes, but you haven't heard me sing sing."
"So you can actually sing?"
"Let just forget about the whole band thing for a minute." Michael laughed.
"Can I at least meet your other band mates?"
"Sure," he sighed. "I'll take you to meet them tomorrow.
"Okay!" I said with a huge grin on my face.

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