Part 7

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I was lying in bed literally doing nothing when my phone starting ringing. I didn't even check the caller ID before answering.
"Hello?" I asked, my voice a little croaky.
"Becca! You have to help me." Michael beamed down the phone.
"Aren't you with Chloe?" I asked him.
"I was, but she left a few minutes ago."
"So where are you?"
"I'm sat in my car," he spoke "let me pick you up?"
"Um sure." I smiled, even though he couldn't see me.
"Okay great! I'll be there in about 10 minutes."

I hung up and rushed over to my wardrobe, picking out anything that wasn't my pyjamas. I finally settled with my black jeans and 1975 tshirt. I didn't even bother with makeup as it was only Michael and he'd seen me without makeup before.

Not long after I received a text from Michael himself, he was waiting outside for me.
I slipped out of my slippers and into some converse and ran to meet him.


"And then we went to Pizza Hut and she didn't even touch a slice of pizza." Michael finished explaining his awful date with Chloe.
"What? Why?"
"She said she didn't like it." Michael pulled a face.
"How the fuck can you not like pizza? Pizza is literally all I eat."
"Me too! I shouldn't of agreed to go out with her." He shook his head.
"I was going to tell you how much of a bitch she was but I didn't think you'd believe me."
"You definitely should of." He laughed.

We left McDonalds not long after. I was the only one who ordered some fries considering Michael had just eaten a whole pizza to himself.
"It's getting pretty late." I said, locking my phone.
"Are you serious? It's only 10:30." He chuckled.
"My parents will go mad if they find out I'm not home."
"A little rebellion is good every now and again." He smirked.

After a few minutes of arguing, I let Michael take me where he wanted to go. We drove in his car, a nirvana cd playing quietly as background music as we drove in a comfortable silence.
"Where are we actually going?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, I'm just driving." He smiled.
"Great, we're definitely going to get lost in the middle of nowhere, I can see it coming now."
"Will you just trust me?"
"How am I suppose to agree to that?"
"Well for one you're already in the car." He said with a grin plastered on his face.
"You win clifford."


We drove for what felt like minutes, but it was actually hours. I could already tell my parents were going to be pissed I was driving around Sydney at 1 in the morning, but I honestly didn't care. When I was with Michael, all my worry seemed to go away.
"Where are we going now?" I asked.
"For some gas, then I'm taking you home."
"What? I don't want to go home."
"So now you want to stay out."

We pulled up in the gas station and I waited in the car whilst Michael filled up the tank.
"You coming for food?" He asked opening the door.
"Sure." I nodded.
We headed inside the gas station and rushed over to the chocolate aisle, filling our hands with chocolate bars and packets of sweets. I picked up a bottle of water and joined Michael at the counter.
"That's 36.59." The cashier said.
"You can't pay for my stuff too." I frowned.
"I already have done." He said as he handed money over."

He grabbed the bag and we headed back to the car. We both climbed in and Michael started up the car.
"Thanks for tonight." He said suddenly.
"It's really no problem." I smiled.
He looked over and smiled before we left the gas station.

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