Part 13

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I woke up the next morning and showered quickly. I usually spent around an hour in the shower, but Michael was picking me up at eleven so I rushed. After half an hour of messing around with the hair dryer, I left my hair in the messy state it was and got dressed instead. I finished wriggling into my jeans and put on my makeup, which wasn't much.
"Why do you wear that stuff?" Michaels voice asked, making me jump and poking myself in the eye with my mascara brush.
"To make me look a little prettier" I sighed, pulling out a makeup wipe. "But now I'm going to have to restart my eye thanks to you."
"Why don't you just leave it?" He laughed. "Leave it? Really?" I shook my head, wiping my entire face until it completely bare.
"Let's go!" Michael grabbed my hand and hurried me downstairs. "I'm not ready!" I yelled, just about managing to get my bag as we left.
"You look great." He smiled as we got in the car.

We drove for a while, pulling up outside a big house. To any other person, it was an average sized house, but to me it was huge. "There's four of us," mikey started. "Myself, Luke, Calum and Ashton."
"Will they like me?" I asked nervously. "There's literally no need to be nervous, they're just people. Like you and me. They're not going to eat you." He smiled, holding my hand and hiding me into the house.

"We're here!" Michael yelled as he opened the front door. "They're here!" Another voice repeated, a boy our age running to the door. "I'm Luke." He smiled as I closed the door. "Nice to meet you." I smiled back. Footsteps were heard and another boy with dark hair appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Finally!" He sighed. "You're finally here, I'm calum."

"And I'm ash." An older boy smiled from the kitchen. "Nice to meet you."
"What about me? I'm here too?" Michael scoffed. "It's nice to see you too Mikey!" Calum hugged him. Michael smiled and lead me into the living room of the house. I did feel like the odd one out and I did feel really self conscious about my face without my foundation. "You okay?" Michael asked, obviously the look on my face. "I'm fine." I nodded.
"Here's some water." Ashton handed me a glass. I thanked him and took a sip.

"Michaels told us all about you." Calum smirked.
"So you've been talking about me?" I nudged him.
"No," he blushed. "Well, I told them your my girlfriend."
"He never stops talking about you." Luke laughed. "What exactly does he say?" I asked.
"Well, he always talks about how pretty you are and how amazing you are." Ashton mocked him.
"And he says you have amazing hair!" Calum added.
"That's cute." I smiled, kissing his cheek lightly. "You two are cute." Luke grinned.

Sorry this is such a short chapter and its not very good lol.

thankyou Michael for these beautiful snapchats!!!😍😍😍😍

-Steph!! Xx

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