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Blossom's POV

"School in 10, Bloss!" Buttercup calls through the door.

"Got it!" I yell back.

I remove myself from my pink covers and walk over to my bathroom. I feel a coldness run through as I step onto the cold tile, so I quickly retreat to the carpet rug in front of the vanity

I brush my teeth, wash my face, and brush my hair. After brushing. I put it in a half ponytail with my signature red bow. I add some eyeliner and mascara. I add a hint of blush before looking into the mirror one last time and walk out.

I walk towards my closet and examine it. What to wear today, I ponder. After a few minutes of complatating, I finally I choose my outfit. I take out a white sleeveless t-shirt with the superman symbol on it and a pair of lightly tinted pink skinny jeans. I also take out a pair of white high top Chuck Taylor's.

I retreat to my bedroom and lay my clothes on the bed. I strip of my pajamas in exchange for my school outfit. Bubbles calls as I slip the t-shirt over my head.

"Ready, Blossom?" Her voice calls.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute!" I quickly reply.

I grab my white messanger bad with baby pink accents and my phone, a rose gold 6s. I know, spoiled by the professor. I look through the mirror one last time before exiting my room.

I run the stairs swiftly and meet up with my sisters in the kitchen. I quickly grab a granola bar and exit the house with my sisters.

We all climb with our shared care without a word. I get into the driver's seat, Buttercup in the passager's, and Bubbles in the back. It was a quick, silent drive, but it was ljke that everyday.

We arrive at the school and I park in the designated parking lot for students. We all get out of the car and collect our things.

"I need to get to soccer practice. See you guys at lunch," Buttercup says as she slings her duffel bag over shoulder. She walks off towards the field.

I join Bubbles and we walk together side by side. I waited for Bubbles to begin going off about how she loved to act in drama class or how her new masterpiece is going in art. She doesn't say anything and we just walk in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Everything okay, Bubbles?" I ask, making sure she's fine.

"Today was our anniversary," She whispers in a hoarse voice. I understand was she means and immediately comfort her.

5 years ago, we all had boyfriends, Buttercup, Bubbles, and I. They were originally created to destroy us, but we saw the good in them. They saved us one day in a battle from Him. That's where we saw their true hearts. Or at least we thought.

We began to hang out with them more and more, until eventually we started dating them. Although all 3 couples were cute, the Blues were the most adorable.

He was always so kind to Bubbles. His brothers were more of the teasing kind, the ones Buttercup and I dated. But Bubbles' was a gentleman.

Almost every chance he got, he would wrap his arms around her waist, or place a kiss on her lips. They called each other Lil Boy Blue and Blondie Blue.

Of course each couple had their own couple names. For me with was Pinky and Red. For the Greens, it was Sports Queen and Skater Boy. But I though it was more adorable that the Blues both had blue in their nicknames.

We dated them for about 6 months. During that 6 months, Bubbles' birthday came up. He surprised her with a home cooked dinner and gave her a bouquet of light blue roses. He put a note which said, "I will stop loving you when the last rose dies."

Turns out he added a plastic rose, meaning he would love her forever. At one point, Bubbles really did believe that. That was before the 6 months were up. Before they left.

I remember that one terrible September morning. It was the Saturday after the school year had started. Our boyfriends had made a habit of calling us in the morning, but no call came. We assumed they must be busy doing things and ignored it.

A little later that day, Bubbles complained that Lil Boy Blue wasn't answering her texts or calls. This worried her a great deal, because no matter what, he would answer.

Buttercup and I told her to relax, probably was busy at the moment she called. She reluctantly obeyed and ignored it.

We had planned a triple date dinner with them, so we waited for them to come the time they said they would come, 8.

We waited.

They never came.

We grew anxious and we began trying to contact them. But like Bubbles, there was no answer. We began to worry a great amount, we alerted the police. After days of searching, the police had come to a conclusion.

The RowdyRuff Boys had run away.

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