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Blossom's POV

I slowly lift my eyes and look at red-headed boy.

His hair was all messed up, creating a bed-head look. He wore a lose-fitting maroon red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans that fitted him nicely. He wore a pair of Jordans' also. His red snapback hung on the side on the pants, hooked onto one of the belt loops.

"You can take a seat back there, next to Gary," My teacher says, pointing to behind me.

I watch as he nods and makes his way to the back of the room. He didn't look at me once. I felt my heart feel heavy with hurt. He's finally back and he ignores me?

I turn back to the front of the room, dazed and unable to focus. I felt sick and dizzy.

"Can you answer the problem for me, Blossom?" I'm brought back to reality when Mr. Slavic calls my name.

"What?" I ask, snapping me out of my daze. I hear a couple of snickers spread throughout the room.

"Number 57, on your homework. The answer?" He asks once more.

I peer down at the homework sheet in front of me. My eyes searched for the number 57. I find the answer and look back up.

"26," I reply, my voice weak and soft.

"26 what?" He questions once more.

"26 computers sold per day," I spit out.

"Good job," He applauds, turning back toward the board.

"Right then, Melanie, answer...."


I heard the bell ring, rushing out of fourth period. So far I had seen him in almost all my classes. Except French. I left my english class and ran to my locker. Being in the same room as him felt suffocating. I toss my books in my locker as I wait for my sisters to come back from their classes.

I notice Bubbles in her bright blue outfit, slowly walking down the hall, completely unaware of the enviorment around her. She looked completely in a faze as she walked down the hall.

"Bubbles!" I call out. I see her jump as she looks around her before her eyes landing on me.

"Oh, hey Blossom," She gives me a weak smile.

"You okay?" I ask as I start walking toward her.

"Not really," She shakes her head, going back to her fazed look. She walks to her locker and puts away her books and everything.

"Wanna talk about it?" I question.

"Boomer's back," She says quietly. I look down.

"So is Brick," I say softly.

"And so is f*cking Butch," I hear Buttercup stomping down the halls in anger.

I look up and would've laughed if it were a different situation. I watched her as she furiously opened her locker, threw her books in like she didn't care, and slams it shut, the sound echoing off the walls.

"What happened?" I ask calmly.

"That f*cking asshole came back, that's what happened," She growls.

"An asshole you fell in love with," I add. She glares at me, but it has not effect on me. Used to it.

"Fell. As in past tense. I can't even look at the bastard without wanting to punch his face," She huffs in frustration.

"I can't look at Boomer without feeling the urge to run into his arms and cry my heart out," Bubbles sighs.

"I... I honestly don't know how I feel about Brick. I just want to ask him why he left," I look down at my white converse.

"I want to eat this off. You guys coming?" Buttercup asks, walking towards the cafeteria.

I nod and follow, so does Bubbles. The halls had become completely empty. The cafeteria is probably filled with hungry teens.

We enter the cafeteria and sit down at our usual spot, just the three of us. Buttercup leaves to get her lunch from the lunch line. Bubbles takes out her packed lunch, and I decide on a snack from the vending machine, the only decent food at school. School lunches are terrible, I don't understand how Buttercup can keep that stuff down.

We sit in silence for a moment, waiting for Buttercup to get back, only hear the sounds of chatter from other students and the crinkling of our food wrappers. The cafeteria noise goes down, making me look up, assuming the principal is at the front of the cafeteria.

"Did you see the new kids? Total hotties," I overhear a brunette awe from behind us.

I look at the entrance of the cafeteria, only to see our boys, all three have a girl attached to their hip. I see in the corner of my eye Bubbles turning around, only to turn back around quickly as she looks down at the table.

I feel hot tears prickling at the edges of my eyes as I watch Brick walk to an empty table, a victorious smirk laced on his face, his left arm wrapped around some blonde's hip. His brothers follow his actions and soon, they're sitting in the center of the cafeteria.

I hear Buttercup drop her lunch tray on the table, taking her seat next to Bubbles.

"F*cking sh*tty-ass bastards," She mumbles to herself.

"I-I feel sick," I spit out.

"Me too," Bubbles agrees.

"It's just those assholes getting to you," Buttercup explains.

"I'm just gonna make sure everything is okay," I say, standing up.

I go to throw away my trash and turn on my heel to exit when I crash into a hard chest. I look at the familiar maroon shirt I had seen earlier and hear the voice of the one I loved.

"Watch where you're going."

He moves past me, as if I was just a fly in his way. I ran out the cafeteria, not wanting to be in this sh*tty school anymore. I run into the nurse's office and use my superpowers to heat up my body.

I was allowed to go home early, finally away from him, the one who built me up only to break me down.


Hey! School sucks :/ got a social studies test tmr and haven't studied...pray for me... 2 updates in one week, woah! I literally wrote this whole entire chapter today. I gave up my study time for you peoples, so be thankful. Have a good day and hope you enjoyed reading!


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