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Buttercup's POV

I ran away furiously after telling the coach I was getting water. I didn't need it though, 5 laps was nothing to me.

"The nerve that dick has," I mutter to myself, entering the girls' bathroom.

There were 2 girls in there already, fixing up their makeup in the mirror. I made my way to the empty bathroom stall, trying to calm myself.

"Did you see the new kids? They're so hot," I overhear one of them say.

"The most toned one is definitely Green," I hear the other one reply.

I ball up my fist as I feel my eyes fill up with tears.

"He's the most cute in my opinion," She adds.

I had enough.

I slam open the stall door and stomp over to the exit quite loudly. I ran over to our lockers and opened Blossom's locker. Yes, I know her combo. I take out her keys and make my way over to the exit.

"Hey, Buttercup."

I freeze when I hear that voice. I grit my teeth and slowly turn around.

"What do you want?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Coach asked for me to come check up on you. I was the only other one done my 5 laps," He explains.

"Tell him I feel sick and I'm going to rest," I reply, continuing to walk away.

"It's your grave," He mumbles before walking off.

I sigh and walk out the doors. I run over to our car and hop in, starting up the engine before I'm stopped by a knock.

I'm startled to see my coach, glaring at me through the window. I gulp and put the window down.

"Skipping class, are we?" He tisks. I stare guiltily at my lap.

"Detention, Buttercup," He says, handing me a pink slip. "I'm very disappointed," He adds as he walks away.

I notice a smirking Butch at the doors of the school.

That asshole!

He told coach that I was skipping.

I should've expected it.

After all, he was a bastard full of lies.


I stomped out my 4th period class. I have had enough of that smirking ass. I absolutely hate him with every piece of my body, every single cell.

I'm sure my face was red from anger as I stomped through the halls, people getting out of my way once they saw me coming.

I hate him.

I hate him so much.

I absolutely hate that smirking bastard.

I see my red-headed and blonde sister as I approach my locker.

"Boomer's back," Bubbles barely whispers.

"So is Brick," Blossom adds.

"And so is f*cking Butch," I say, running over to my locker.

I threw open my locker and threw my books and sh*t in and slammed that door so hard, it almost fell off the hinges.

"What happened?" Blossom asks calmly.

"That f*cking asshole came back, that's what happened," I growl.

"An asshole you fell in love with," Blossom replies. I shoot her a death glare, but she returns an unfazed look.

"Fell. As in past tense. I can't even look at the bastard without wanting to punch his face," I huff in frustration.

"I can't look at Boomer without feel the urge to run into his arms and cry my heart out," Bubbles sighs.

"I... I honestly don't know how I feel about Brick. I just want to ask him why he left," Blossom says, looking down.

"I want to eat this off. You guys coming?" I ask, already walking to the cafeteria.

They follow after me, into the cafeteria. The boys aren't here yet, good for them or I would've bashed their faces in.

I leave my sisters at our lunch table and walk to get my food from the lunch line. I had gotten used to the food produced by the school, so I didn't mind eating it anymore.

When I walk out the lunchline, the room was noticeably quiet and my eyes wander to the front of the cafeteria. I huff in frustration and fast walk to our table.

"F*cking sh*tty-ass bastards," I mutter, dropping my tray of the table.

"I-I feel sick," Blossom stutters.

"Me too," Bubbles agrees.

"It's just those assholes getting to you," I try to reason.

"I'm just gonna make sure everything is okay," Blossom replies, standing up.

I sigh as I watch her leave to throw her trash away. My eyes widen when I see the figure moving toward her. She turns around and runs into him, I can see the sadness etched on her face.

He must've said a couple of words before proceeding to walk around her. I watched with anger and resentment as she ran out of the cafeteria.

I've rarely seen Blossom like that. I've never seen her with such fear and hopelessness. With such despair and restlessness. It was all because of him.

They were the ones responsible. They were the ones who broke not only mine, but my sisters' as well. They did not deserve my sisters at all.

I stand up, slamming my hands the on the table, causing the cafeteria to quiet down.

"You f*cking bastards," I glare the trio of red, blue, and green.

I began walking towards them.

"You thin you can make us fall for you dumb idiots and then leave us just like that?" Taking a step each closer and closer.

"And then return 5 years later and act like you don't know us? Ignore us and flirt with other girls?" I spit, my anger growing every minute.

"You f*cking assholes don't deserve my sisters at all. You don't deserve to ever be happy again. Do you know how much pain we went through after you guys disappeared?" I quesion, inching closer and closer.

"And then you guys have the nerve to come back and flirt with other girls, right in front of their faces," I let out a humorless laugh, reaching their stunned bodies.

"You f*cking disgust me." And with that, I slapped Brick. Hard.

I hear girls gasp as they watch me strike Brick.

I turn on my heel.

"Let's go, Bubbles," I order, stomping out of the cafeteria.

I hear her light footsteps follow and we walk over to the nurse's office.

Blossom went home already. That's too bad, I could've told her about slapping Brick. Maybe that would make her feel better.


Hope you enjoyed!

¿Merry Late Christmas?


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