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Blossom's POV

"I don't mean to be rude, Bubbles, but the sooner you get over him, the sooner you won't feel pain," I tell her as I rub her back.

She sniffles. "I know, but Bloss, I've loved Boomer since we were little. I can't get over it that quickly."

"I know, I know. I can't get over Brick that easily either," I sigh.

"Why did they have to leave?" Bubbles whimpers, her eyes glossy with fresh tears.

"I don't know," I whisper in a hoarse voice.


"It's time to go to class, Bubbles," I say softly.

She nods and slowly leaves my embrace. I watch her sulk off toward the direction of her class. I sigh and head over to my own class.

I arrive just on time and I quietly take my seat. I watch as the teacher walks over to the front of the room.

"Alright, before we begin class, we have a new student. He's standing right outside the door," Mr. Slavic say as he walks over to the door.

I sigh and put my head my desk. I doodle on my notebook as I head the door open and the new student come in. Squeals come from the girls, making me assume he's good-looking. I continue to draw as Mr. Slavic talks to the new-comer.

"You got a name, son?" He asks.

I freeze when I hear the new voice.

"They call me Brick. Brick Jojo."

Bubble's POV

"I'm sorry I'm late," I apologize to my drama teacher.

"Don't worry about it, Bubbles! We all have those certain days where we are just a bit lost," Ms. Franklin assures me.

Leave it to her to say something deep over something so simple.

"Just take your seat, Bubbles," Ms. Franklin orders. I nod and walk over to an empty seat.

We're located on the stage of our auditorium, because that's where drama class is, because of the plays and musicals we'll be doing.

"So, before we can get on with our lesson for today, I have a few announcements to make," Ms. Franklin sings.

"Our first musicale is coming up, The Wizard Of Oz. Auditions will be coming up soon," She announces. "I expect each of you to try out," She adds.

"Oh, and another thing. It seems we have a new student joining us. He should be on his way," She finishes. I sigh, it was going to be a long day.

'If only he was here, he would make me feel better. He would make me feel lo- no he wouldn't Bubbles! He left you; he doesn't want anything to do with you now.' I let my eyes water, but refuse to let the tears fall.

A knock comes upon the door of the back door of the stage and quickly wipe my eyes and sniffle. 'Don't cry now, Bubbles. If you cry now, you won't be able to make it through the day.'

I listen as Ms. Franklin walks over to the door and opens it. I keep my eyes in my lap, paying attention to the drawing I was doodling on my notebook. I hear the whispers of everyone as I assume the new student walks into the room.

"It's seems like you all know him, but why don't you introduce yourself anyways. Pay attention to our new student, Bubbles," My teacher demands. I sigh and drop my pen on my lap and force my eyes to look at the newcomer.

I'm paralyzed as my eyes meet ocean blue eyes. Our eyes lock into a gaze as I try to read his face.

"It's Boomer Jojo, ma'am."

Buttercup's POV

"We'll be having a new addition to the team shortly. I hear he's as good as Buttercup." Coach announces.

I scoff. As if that's true. There's only one person I know who's better than me at soccer, though I hate to admit it.

"Ooh, looks like Buttercup's got some competition," one of the guys on the teams snickers.

I shoot him a glare and he instantly shuts up. I turn back to coach.

"So, when's this newbie coming?" I ask.

"Soon, probably has some troubles being new and all," Coach replies. I nod.

"Alright, we aren't gonna waste time for this new kid though, so run 5 laps around the field," Coach yells.

I instantly start running once I hear 5 laps. This was our daily routine, I was used to it my now. My long hair was tied back into a ponytail, a few side bangs sticking out here and there.

I decided to grow out my hair longer instead of leaving it short and choppy. It's not as long as Blossom's, but it reaches the middle of my back, so exceptionally long.

I'm finishing up my 4th lap as I see a figure standing next to coach. I freeze in my spot as my lime green eyes meet his forest ones.

"Keep moving, Buttercup!" Coach yells, bringing me out of my trance.

I shake my head and keep running.

That can't be him. No freaking way.

I finish up my 5th lap and slowly stalk over to coach. I keep my head down, not wanting to meet the forest green eyes that are burning into the side of my head.

"Buttercup, this is our new addition, Butch."

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