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Butch's POV

"Do you have to go?" She pouts.

"I'll come by your house later," I chuckle, rubbing circles with my thumb on her hand and was in twined with my.

"Alright," She nods. She leans in a gives me a kiss on the cheek, her minty scent driving me insane.

"See you later then," She says, letting go of my hand, but before she can leave, I grab her fore arm and pull her back to me.

"Not yet," I said with a low growl. "I haven't had a chance to kiss you yet."

I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" She asks, staring into my eyes.

I give a her a smile before leaning in and kissing her soft, pink lips. She kissed back with eagerness and I kissed her back with that eagerness. It felt like only seconds when we broke apart the kiss because we both needed air.

I rested my forehead against hers and gave her a mischievous grin.

"I love you."

She smiles.

"I love you too."


After talking and kissing Buttercup a little more, we departed our ways, though I made sure to go to her house later.

I couldn't keep the grin off my face as I entered the apartment complex we lived in. I had finally gotten her back. Now, neither her or I would suffer without each other anymore.

I entered our apartment and saw that both Boomer and Brick was home. I was surprised to see Boomer home, as he's always out with Bubbles.

"How was the game?" Boomer asks as he sees me.

"Lovely," I smile cheekily.

"What, did you score all the goals?" Brick asks sarcastically. I give him a glare.

"Yeah, you never say words like 'lovely'," Boomer scrunches up his nose.

"I just got the love of my life back," I smile proudly.

I get mixed emotions; Boomer is grinning like an idiot while Brick's expression darkens.

"That's great for you, Butch!" Boomer exclaims. I chuckle at the kid. I turn to Brick.

"You okay, bro?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Just peachy," He grunts, letting his hair cover his eyes slightly.

"Listen, I know we were supposed to stay away from them and-"

"I said, I was fine!" He growls, holding up a hand to stop me from talking.

"So, why'd you cave in?" Boomer asks, patting a seat on the couch. I take my seat and explain.

"I kept showing her signs that I cared about her, but I guess she didn't want to believe I did care about her. She collapsed during our game and I went with her to the infirmary."

Brick stood up and went to our kitchen, probably to get a coke can or something. 

"When she first woke up, she was cursing me out and was trying to push me away. I knew how she felt about me, she thought I didn't care about her, but I did, so much. It hurt me to know that's what she thought of me."

Brick returns with a coke can, as I expected and settles back down in his seat, looking uninterested with the conversation.

"I told her I loved her."

Brick's eyes snap up to meet mine. I can see the disapproval in his face as he looks back down to his phone.

"She still fought back," I chuckled. "She's pretty stubborn. But I knew I couldn't let her slip out of my life again. She had to be mine again."

"After a while, she finally gave up on pushing me away and we made up. Sure, she's still a bit skeptical  but slow and steady wins the race, right?" I shrug, my lips pulled into a smile at the thought of her.

"Aw, Butch is falling head over heels for Buttercup!" Boomer laughs.

I roll my eyes and mess up his hair.

"Hey, quit it!"

"Anyways, how's you and Blondie?" I ask.

Boomer sighs dreamily and you can practically see the hearts in his eyes at the mention of Bubbles.

"I think she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, to be honest," He smiles. "How I ever lived without her, I have no idea."

I chuckle.

"Man, can you guys just shut up for once about your girlfriends?" Bricks spits, clearly pissed.

I raise an eyebrow at his sudden actions. "Well, when are you gonna crack?"

"What?" Brick hisses.

"You're going to break eventually, just when?" I ask.

He glares at me menacingly. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on, Brick," Boomer joins. 

"What?" He snaps, his blood red eyes looking murderous.

"When will you finally give up Mojo's plan and take Blossom back in again?" He asks.

I fear for Boomer's life when he asks the question but to my surprise, Brick's eyes soften just a bit at the mention of Blossom. His eyes turn hard again and he turns away.

"I will do as I am ordered," He simply replies, taking a sip of his coke.

I cross my arms, glancing over at Boom, sighing. Boomer shakes his head.

"I'm not going to turn soft, like you two," He glares.

"We turned soft because we loved them. We couldn't stand seeing them in pain. How could you be considered human if you let your loved ones go through pain like that?" I snap. He stays silent.

"Brick, we know you still care about her. Stop deceiving yourself and take her back already," Boomer sighs.

"I-I can't," His voice cracks. "She won't take me back. Not after everything I've done to her."

"Well, you never know. Buttercup was stubborn, but she took me back once I showed her that I still cared for her a lot," I explain.

"I'm positive she still cares about you. You guys had something that was unbreakable," Boomer adds.

Brick lifts his head up from the ground. "Do...do you really think she will?"

Boomer and I smile at him.

"Of course she will."


hope you liked! :p

- abbie

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