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Buttercup's POV

It may have been only 20 minutes, but to me it felt like an hour in hell. He won't stop talking and annoying me. I just wanted to rest a little before the game, is that just too much to ask for?!

"Butch, can you just shut the hell up?" I snap, shooting him a deadly glare.

Unlike others, he is unfazed by my stare, but he stops talking, thankfully.

I rest my hand against the window only to see the bus pulling into the parking lot of the other school. So much for trying to get rest.

We file off the bus and into the guest locker rooms. Of course, I go into the female one and change to my sports gear. As I finish tying off the laces to one of my cleats, my head is suddenly surged with a headache and I stumble back a bit.

"Don't forget to hydrate yourself, BC," I remind myself. I take out my water bottle and take a look drink from it.

I retie my hair into a ponytail and make sure to keep it tight in place. I leave my stuff in a random locker near the entrance and head out to the field.

I wait on the bench as the remaining team members come out from the locker room.

"BC, you doing alright?" Coach checks up on me.

I give him a thumbs up. "Doing great, Coach."



The rest of the team emerges from the locker room and they huddle up, where coach tells them the game plan for today.

"Alright, these guys are not to be joked around with. We need to have our A-game today. Alright, Jimmy you're on defense, Ryan you're on...."

The coach talked out the positions and plays of the game for today. They ended with a group cheer before dispersing and heading out to the field. Buttercup was sitting out for this part of the game, she would be added in later.

She stood by the bench, her hands on her hips as she gazed out to the field, studying it well, mapping it out in her brain.

"I'm just reminding you, if you don't feel well-"

"Just mind you're own damn business and get back on the damn field, Jojo." Buttercup spit with vile in her voice.

Butch sighed, running a hand through his thick black hair. "I'm only looking out for you."

"Did anyone ask you too?" She snaps, fire in her emerald green eyes.

Butch admitted defeat and jogged over to his position of the field. Buttercup's words were cold and unknown. He felt her anger and resentment towards him and felt deeply pained, but he knew he deserved it.

He got into his ready positions as the referee was about to start the game.

Buttercup sat the side, watching the game. She tried to focus on the whole game, but she couldn't help just noting Butch. She watched his movements as he ran across the field, keeping the ball in between his ankles, not allowing the other team to get to it.

She almost shouted out in pride when she watched him score it in the goal. Almost. She knew in the back of her mind, she was secretly cheering him on.

"Hey, what's a girl like you doing here?" A voice from behind her purred.

She turned around to find some guys from the other school staring at her.

"I'm on the team."

"Hah, no way, it's called 'boys' soccer, babe," One of them chuckled.

"So? Never stopped me," Buttercup shrugged.

"Shouldn't you be cheering them on with pom poms and a short skirt?" One of them snorted.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I have to act like you're stereotypical dumb bimbo who acts like slut," She spits, shooting them a menacing glare.

"This one's feisty; I like it," Another one smirked.

'These boys I swear', Buttercup sighed to herself.

"How about after this, we go out an maybe have some fun?" He asks, walking closer to her.

"How about no," She glares.

"Oh, come on, babe. Let's have so fun," He smirked, inching closer and closer.

She was so close to punching him in the face before an arm wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her closer to them.

"Something wrong here, babe?" The voice asked. She knew that voice. She felt the hatred rising up in her throat but she forced it down and gave her best smile.

"Well, these guys have been talking to me a bit rudely..." She pouted glancing over at them.

The guy backed up, holding his hands up.

"Didn't know she was taken, sorry man," He said, stumbling over a rock.

"Just don't come near her again," Butch spit, sending them a cold glare.

They waited until the group of boys were out of sight before Buttercup pushed off Butch's arm.

"Do another stunt like that and you're dead," She hisses.

"Utonium! You're up!" Coach calls. Buttercup shoots him a glare before jogging out to the field.

Butch settled down on the bench and sighed. He grabbed his water bottle and rehydrated himself. He heard the whistle blow, signaling the beginning of the next game.

He turned his attention to the field and focused on Buttercup. He watched her long hair swaying as she managed to get the ball from her team mate. She kept it nicely between her feet, bringing it closer to the goal without letting her opponent get to it. In the blink of an eye, she shot and she made the ball not the net. The team cheered, including him. How could he not? He still did care for her, quite a lot.

He saw her smile and it made him melt. He hadn't seen that smile in quite a while, and he sure missed it. He looked at her dreamily; she was perfect for him. Her strong, hard-headed attitude along with her die-hard love for sports yet she could still be the softest person he knew.

He knew there was a very small chance that she would take him back, but he couldn't help but think maybe it could happen. In the midst of all his thinking, he didn't notice Buttercup slowing down until the point where she collapsed. He stood up with panic and ran over to where she fell. The game was stopped and the team rushed over to her.

He took her into his arms and brought her over to the sidelines. A stretcher with a pair of medics came over and lifted her on the stretcher. Butch walked along with them as they brought her to the medical tent.

He said to himself, "please Buttercup. Please be okay. Because even if you hate me, I still love you."


Oops. So uh I kinda forgot to uhm update again? Sorry about that😖 I've got testing this week and also the week of my birthday, which is next week, so yeah I may not update for a little bit. I know it's only the 11th chapter, but since I progress the story very quickly, thus book is almost done. I'll probably have a Blossick story after this one ends.

I hope you have a good day!

- abbie♡

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