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Blossom's POV

Why are you doing this? You're supposed to stay strong!

My legs were disobeying my mind's wishes and continued walking to the back of the school.

Stop! My mind tried to tell me, but my body kept moving forward. I was getting closer and closer to the back door and soon, I pushed them open and saw a boy with a red cap standing under the closest cherry blossom tree.

He turned his head once he heard the door open and smiled at me.

I wanted to turn around and leave, but of course my legs just had to walk over to him and his smirking ass.

"You actually came," He says with amazement.

"What do you want?" I ask, my tone sounder more harsh than intended.

"Woah, woah, Pinky. No need to be so harsh," He chuckles.

"Just answer the damn question, Brick," I glare, rolling my eyes at his nickname.


I keep a blank face on, trying not create any emotion at all. I watch his blood red eyes, searching my face, looking for anything emotion.

"And?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry for leaving out of the blue. For pretending I didn't know you when I came back. For...playing with other girls," He looks down as he apologize. Don't break, Bloss. Don't. Break.

He looks back up.

"I don't care," I reply, flatly.

"You-you don't?" He asks, confused.

"I was done with you from the day you walked out of my life," I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, right, Blossom. I know you," He scoffs.

"Not anymore, you don't. Not sure if you noticed, Brick, but I've been living 5 years without you. I can live even longer."

"So what, you're just going to throw away everything we had?" 

"I believe that's what you did 5 years ago."

"I'm trying to apologize for that, Blossom, can't you see?!"

"Just don't talk to me anymore. And act like you don't know me, alright?" 

I turn my heel and start to walk away. But of course, being the stubborn person that he is, he grabs on to my wrist and pulls me back.

"This conversation is over, Brick," I exclaim, shaking his hand off.

"No, it's not, Bloss," He says, sternly.

"I said, I was done with you from the moment YOU walked out. This, is all your fault. Don't come crawling back to me," I growl.

"Why won't you just listen to what I'm saying?!" He exclaims.

"Go back to your hoes, Brick. I'm sure they'd be much more fun than me."

I attempt to walk away again and succeed. Walking back to my car, I left on my stoic face. Once I got into my car, I sat there for a little bit. It didn't dawn on me that I was crying until I felt a tear fall off my face and onto my lap.

"It's okay, Blossom," I tell myself, wiping off my tears. "You did the right thing."


Brick's POV

"Go back to your hoes, Brick. I'm sure they'd be much more fun than me," She leaves as she walks off.

I stood there, dumfounded, watching her small figure disappearing. Go after her! My mind tried to tell me, but I was stuck in place. I couldn't move. It wasn't until 5 minutes later that I started to move. I flew back to my house. Boomer and Butch were out, probably hanging out with their girlfriends.

I searched through the cabinets until I found the thing I was looking for. I grasped it cold, hard, metallic handle, making sure it was loaded. I opened up a window and flew to the top of the roof, resting on the edge.

I played with the gun in my hand, staring at it. I traced my finger against the trigger, looking at the barrell.

I moved my hand up to my face and touch my eyes. I was crying. Me, Brick Jojo, Leader of the Rowdy Ruff Boys, was crying. Over a girl.

But she wasn't just some girl. I loved her. She was my counterpart, I was created to destroy her, but I couldn't. And it was all because I loved her. And I still do. 

Mojo's plan was stupid. I should've rejected it. But then he threatened to hurt her. Only Blossom. He knew that if I obeyed his orders, I could make my brothers obey him as well. That's why he only threatened me.

And here I was, crying because I let Mojo hold power over me. She made me weak. She was my weakness. And he knew. And it was all because of Mojo that I had lost her. No, it was my fault. I let him hold that power over me. And now the love of my life was gone.

I stared down at the gun in my hands again. 

There was no use in living if I couldn't have her. I faced the gun toward me, my finger against the trigger. 

"It's for the better."


Blossom's POV

When I reached home, the girls were there with Butch and Boomer.

"Oh, hey, Bloss!" Bubbles greets, her being her normal bubbly self.

"Hey Bubbles," I give her a small smile.

"What took you so long?" Buttercup asks.

"I...I was talking to someone," I reply, looking down.


I stay silent, fighting back the tears that fill my eyes, reminiscing the conversation I had not too long ago.


"It wasn't important. I'm gonna go outside for some air," I say, walking towards the door.

"But you just came ba-"

I cut Bubbles voice off by slamming the door. I take a deep breath and start walking.

I glance up at the sky and notice the grey clouds storming above. Better get back before it rains.

I continue walking until I reach the more dangerous part of town. An area I know too well as a superhero. I know where I'm leading myself and I don't know why I'm letting myself drag myself to his place. Soon, there small apartment comes to view and couldn't help but look up because of the bright red that caught my eye.

It was him.

His legs were dangling off the roof as he sat on the edge of the roof. He had something in his hands. It was dark, shiny, metallic looking. He raised the object and I was able to identify the object. My eyes widened once I did.

A gun.

He was trying to kill himself. I instantly shot up, flying as fast as I could to reach him. As I was getting closer to him, I could see his finger resting against the trigger, ready to push it.

"Brick, NO!" I shrieked, slapping it out of his hand.


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