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Bubbles' POV

As I searched his face, I found no emotion at all. It's as if he covered his face with an unreadable mask. His eyes left mine and turned back to Ms. Franklin.

"You can take that empty seat right there, next to Joe," She says, pointing to an empty seat. He nods and walks over.

I feel the cool air run past me as he walks by me. He didn't say anything, he didn't do anything. How could he? After 5 years, didn't he miss me at least a little? Maybe he never really loved me...

"Bubbles? Can you hand out the scripts for 'The Wizard Of Oz'?" Ms. Franklin snaps me back to the classroom.

"Huh? Oh, uhm, sure," I reply, standing up and taking the scripts from her hands.

I hand them out, one by one, as I slowly make my way to that part of the circle. I hand him his script, and takes it without looking up. I felt electricity run through my arm as his hand touches mine.

I continue handing out the scripts and grab one for myself before giving the extras back to Ms. Franklin.

"Now, we are going to partner up and you'll review the script together, and I will be choosing your partners," She announces.

"Partners will be; Maya and Casey, Ellie and Joe, Carter and James, Andy and Jenny, Chris and Boomer, Bubbles and Chelsea."

"Uhm, Ms. Franklin? Chris isn't here today," Chelsea calls out, excitement in her eyes.

"Huh? Oh well, then I guess he'll have to join your group and make a group of three," She shrugs.

A smirk spreads across Chelsea's face while panic laces through mine. He gets up and walks over to us and I feel my hands sweating. He pulls up a chair and places it backwards before sitting in it.

"Hey, my name is Boomer," He smiles at Chelsea. The smile that I loved. The smile that I placed on his face.

"Call me Chelsea," She replies in a flirtatious tone. I look away and stay silent.

"That's Bubbles," She sneers. I look down at my script and play with the corner of the page.

You see, Chelsea doesn't know anything about Boomer. She arrived at this school after they disappeared. She was always pretty and had that 'perfect' body. She became popular in an instant and used that popularity to get into guys' beds. She could probably get Boomer under her spell as well. I didn't even want to tell her about me and him, because I know, that she will try even harder just to rub it in my face.

"So, where should we start?" His soft and gentle voice asks.


I ran out of my 4th period class.

I can't stand being in the same class with him. He flirts with every girl he see, excluding me. He disregards me during class, and it's so hard to just ignore him. It makes me frustrated because I just want to wrap my arms around his waist, but I know I can't because he's not the same Boomer. I loved him so much, and he just threw away my love for him. But how could he just do that? Was there really no spark for him? No love? No connection at all? Why-


I jump at the sound of my name and look around me until I see my red-headed sister staring at me.

"Oh, hey Blossom," I reply.

"You okay?" She questions as she makes her way towards me.

"Not really," I shake my head continuing to walk to my locker.

I place my belongings in there before gently closing it.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asks.

Should I tell her? Well, if he's here, the rest of them should be here.

"Boomer's back," I reply quietly.

"So is Brick," She says softly.

"And so is f*cking Butch," Buttercup's voice enters our conversation.

She opens her locker and throws her books and binders in before slamming it shut.

"What happened?" Blossom questions.

"That f*cking asshole came back, that's what happened," She growls.

"An asshole you fell in love with," Blossom adds, making Buttercup glare at her.

"Fell. As in past tense. I can't even look at the bastard without wanting to punch his face," She huffs in frustration.

"I can't look at Boomer without feeling the urge to run into his arms and cry my heart out," I sigh.

"I... I honestly don't know how I feel about Brick. I just want to ask him why he left," Blossom says, looking down.

"I want to eat this off. You guys coming?" Buttercup asks, walking towards the cafeteria.

I follow her, right behind Blossom, into the cafeteria. Buttercup walks off to the get her lunch, while Blossom and I sit down at our table. Blossom gets something from the vending machine, as I unwrap my chicken salad.

We sat there in silence and waited for Buttercup to come back, when the cafeteria noise goes down. I look at Blossom and see her staring pass me and the entrance of the cafeteria. I turn around and look at what she's staring at. Not a second later do I turn back around.

He was there, walking along with his brothers. He wore a bored expression his face as he walked along with his brothers to a table, I assume.

It hurt to look at him. After all the pain I went through when he left, he suddenly appears in front of me 5 years later, not even recognizing me. But you know what hurt me even more?

The fact that his arm was wrapped around Chelsea's waist.


Hope you've enjoyed :)


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